
发布 2021-03-14 19:04:28 阅读 7934

crossing over time, the rapid development of science and technology, now is everywhere on the streets of underpinnings of cars, but at the same time, there was a new kind of hidden danger, the traffic safety.

in recent years, traffic accidents occur frequently, in the final analysis is the traffic safety consciousness is poor. i saw a bus beside us event, hope everybody can abide by the traffic safety, otherwise consequence is unimaginable.

that is fifth grade a noon, the sun baked the earth crazy, waiting for the bus at the station i 9 on a crowded bus, standing in the doorway. there is a, get off at the next stop, together, are in disarray. many protesters in the bus, the driver can't see the rearview mirror, the car started, a teenager wearing a white coat, suddenly found himself arrived, so three steps and two steps to the door, the car has been slowly moving, he jumped without hesitation, at the moment, the door closed crashed with a clash, the young man's half of the body was stuck, he struggled hard, head and body out, one foot has been caught in the door, another foot caught in the wheel, in this way, he pulled up a dozen meters.

was shocking scene frighten meng i just think of the shout stop. after you get off, tragically, white dress stained with blood, hands, feet, and are broken, more terrible is the other foot caught in the wheel, to get half a day to pull out, the driver immediately called 120...

traffic safety in our midst, and each of us is closely linked. person's life is short, let us always remember the lessons of the blood, cherish life, abide by the traffic safety, do a civilized citizen, in this way, the traffic accident will be more and more far from us.







渝高职简报。渝中高级职业学校安稳办供稿2013年12月2日。文明交通始于足下文明学生由我做起。渝高职开展 全国交通安全日 宣传活动。12月2日是 全国交通安全日 我校积极开展交通安全宣传活动,不断强化学生交通安全意识,确保学生安全出行。针对 遵守交通信号,安全文明出行 的主题,我校开展了如下的活动 ...

全国交通安全日 文

你知道122吗?你知道它代表什么吗?你知道它有什么作用吗?你知道12月2日的 全国交通安全日 吗?知道的小伙伴必须为你们点32个赞,不知道的小伙伴也不要着急,现在慢慢为你道来。你知道 122 是什么吗?不知道 是拖车 吗?神马?没听说过。和110一样的吧是报警 吧!其实 122 是这个样子的。我是交...


导语 今年全国交通安全日 社会协同治理 安全文明出行 这一主题,组织客货运企业负责人 安全管理员和司乘人员集中开展交通安全法规学习和宣誓承诺活动,结合事故调查工作,集中 一批交通事故典型案例及相关责任人处理情况。全国交通安全日总结昨日是第五个 全国交通安全日 湖南省公安厅 省文明办 省委网信办 省教...