
发布 2021-03-14 14:23:28 阅读 4891






teachersandstudentseverybodyisgood,i,xiaoyang,dong,believethateveryone has known. today, i take you to meet my family! my grandma and grandpais gone, but i love them, wherever they live.

grandpa and grandma has a total of fivechildren, my dad is their first three sons, my father and two younger sisters. big fatherh**e died, le**ing behind the two daughters, and they are married, my brother-in-laware equally handsome. two dad and dad are of doing business, recent father and twodad make antinomy, although i don't know why, but hope they hurry reconciled.

twoof my aunt all over the field, their livesare happy, father and uncle were get alon**ery well. dad is hard, but he never let us bear hardships, he and his mother all lovedus. but my brother and i are not obedient, often let them sad, but now i h**e grownup, i will slowly make them happy!

say my brother right, sometimes he really is veryannoying, always let father mother angry, always trusted inyour boy is bullied me!now, he outerly school, suddenly found that even a little want him, i seem to h**e noso hate him, i think as a sister should take care of him. so, wait him off back, i askedhim to eat hot pot!

these, is my family! i love love them, hope everyone is alwayshappy! after listening to my introduction, you'll find that we this common family isfull of love!


英语考试作文精选。要写班级姓名,还要检查反面有没有题,我们按照侯老师的话去做了,下午回到家,我上完钢琴课不久奶奶说 告诉你一个好消息,你猜是什么好消息?我猜来猜去猜不着,奶奶提示我了一下说 英语考试我说 英语考试得了100分,奶奶说 答对啦!因为我以前考英语时都没有考过100分,就是因为我没有细心答...




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