
发布 2021-03-12 20:28:28 阅读 9645


i want a villa,with a big pool,a basketballplayground and a garden。because i love my family,andmy parents like flowers and green trees,my boy friendlikes playing basketball,and i like swimmming andbeautiful plants。so i want a big and pretty house,which full of loving and colourful life。

i hope this villa has three floors。the first floorhas a living room,a washing room and a kitchen。thesecond floor has four rooms,one is our bedroom,one ismy parents' room,one is my husband parents' room and oneis my schoolroom。

the third floor has two roomsfor theguests,a room for playing billiards,and a room forentertainment,such as playing majiang。

we will feed two dogs。one name is 'aoao' and theothers is 'xiuxiu'。their names together means it nevergive up till biting the bad man death。

that menas we'llget over every difficulty,try our best,****** ustogether and love each other forever!

i imagine a lot about lives in the future。i think twowords can summarize my imagination。the first word isfast。

in the future,we will h**e more quicklytransportation means。

now matter how far we go,it takes only a short time。with the development of science and technology,we cantr**el to the moon,mars or somewhere outer space。peoplemay can live in other plas。

the second word is convenient。

because of the fast development of our society,manywork can be done by puters or even robots。

lots of things are fully automated。humans just need togive some ****** instructions to plete plecated tasks。




with the development of science and technology,ourlives h**e changed a lot in the past century。

many things that wouldn’t happen before h**e e intoreality now。therefore,our lives will change as well inthe future。

our pace of live will greatly speed up,because we willhelp many machines to finish our work。many things can bedone autonomously。therefore,people will h**e more timefor fun。

people can tr**el the outer space freely。

space shuttle can bring people to plas far from theearth。besides,our environment will be much better thannow,because some effective measures are taken to protectthe environment。earth is still a beautiful home forhuman。






推荐 未来的生活小学生作文三篇。未来的生活小学生作文。篇1又开始做我甜美的梦了。过了50年,我来到了我的新家。来到了新家让我耳目一新,和以前的家大不一样。未来的家只有一间房子,上面有三个按钮,分别是 客厅 卧室和餐厅,只要你按下那个按钮,那间房子就会变成什么,它还有一个特殊功能,只要你想出去旅游就能...

英语作文 未来生活

英语作文 未来生活。你对未来生活有什么看法呢?下面是xx为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!未来生活。i imagine a lot about lives in the future.i a short time.with the development of science andt...


未来的生活 关于未来的作文。我做了一个奇特而又精彩的梦,梦见了未来,梦见了未来的生活。未来房子不是用砖造出来的,而是用我们发明的又轻便又坚固的环保材料造出来的。它再也不怕 洪水 沙尘暴等自然灾害。房子还可以根据主人的需要来调整温度,根据主人的心情调整室内的色彩。白天推开窗户就呼吸到迎面扑来清新甜润的...