my grandfather is nearly eighty - year - old, is nottall, a little hunchback. his white hair, long, thickeyebrows, hands and feet is very rough, the tooth drop alot of, with a mouthful of false teeth.
grandpa is rural people, three years, and he had noparents, teens to someone's home to play long, 15 years old)had been sent to the owner, laoshan, dig tunnels to thejapanese, suffered hardships.
grandpa is very hard-working, work is also very time he eagerly to wash the dishes after the meal,but we were afraid of tired him, which can let him give usto wash dishes? !
grandpa body is very healthy, he every morning, morning,afternoon to exercise, exercise on the treadmill even fromsigh than sixty people, since we take him to he did noteven h**e a cold.
my grandfather likes to chat, talk, no matter knowdon't know him. i think that grandpa only chat with old man,but i was wrong, i once saw grandpa is talking to a groupof children. grandfather is very concerned about my study,as long as i a distracted, grandpa will be at a side remindme to study hard, get good grades in the future, don't likehim, don't know a word.
because of previously home poor, no money to go toschool, grandpa can't read. after know grandpa can't read,i decided to teach grandpa write. i taught grandpa writehis name first, grandpa write out a row, though written,but for grandpa already very good.
see grandpa will writehappy appearance, after his own name in my heart thaneating the honey still sweet.
here i sincerely wish grandpa longevity and health,happiness, happiness.
描写爷爷的作文 爷爷
我们身边有许多让我敬佩的人,其中,我爷爷一丝不苟的精神让我特别敬佩。我的爷爷是个七十几岁的农村人,他从前是个工厂的厂长。他退休后在家里没事干,便学起了画画。一天,我看到爷爷面带微笑地拎着两袋东西回家。我好奇地打开袋子一看,里面有一盒颜料 一卷纸 一个调色盒和几支笔。只见爷爷把颜料倒进调色盒里,又往调...
篇一 爷爷。我最难忘的人是我的爷爷。爷爷给我的印象本来是很模糊的,很遥远的,他留下的遗物和从爸爸那里听来的故事,却让我渐渐了解了他。记得小时候,爷爷很喜欢我。他常常抱着我,给我讲故事,亲自给我写字帖,让我临摹,有时候还手把手的教我。爷爷家离我们的住所很远,而他却时常来看我,送些书籍和玩具 他来办公事...
人物作文。希望对您有帮助,谢谢。描写我的爷爷作文3篇。本文是关于爷爷的话题作文,仅供大家参考!描写我的爷爷作文1 我的爷爷是一位乡村医生,今年61岁了,他中等个子,一张布满皱纹的脸上嵌着一双有神的眼睛。我的爷爷医术高明,村里的男女老少生病了都找爷爷看。有一次,邻村的一位大娘总觉得胸口闷闷的,找了好几...