
发布 2021-03-12 20:17:28 阅读 3244


i walk on the road, as the snow fell on me. wow, what **anity of build by laying bricks or stones jade world! airis flying snow, the ground is soft white carpet.

the vasthe**en and earth color, gray. fog, lingering in themountains, white fog around the high mountain, as if thatwas the world like milk, a piece of white, an infiniteyearning.

nearby, the branches on the blooming of snow, is really"like night of spring breeze es suddenly, thousand treescritics, pear flower open" in the distance, the evergreenpine and cypress trees, just like past ice sculpturescarved jade, exquisite pagoda. in the distance, partners ina pile of white cute snowman. i run past, said we heaptogether!

partners all said, "e." soon we heaped up severalsnowman. i love winter!






winter is ing. the earth mother off the golden yellowsweater, put on white cotton-padded jacket. white is thecolor of the earth, like a cotton cover on the ground.

winter is very cold in four seasons of the season. onthe streets, snowball fights, snowball, and rolling on theground. i want to ask:

"they are not cold?" it turns outthat they were snow hit on the face. they play very happy.

go to the park to see again, a piece of white in thepark. there are many, many flowers in the park all intoxicating fragrance of osmanthus fragransdisappeared.

however, laughter in the winter. in winter childrenbursts of laughter.

in the winter so many children!

on the table in my house, my mother brought a bowl ofbowl of delicious food, h**e crabs, prawns, and fruit,there are i most like to eat pear, because pear has vitaminc, eat is good for your body.

winter is like autumn and spring bridge, let fallthrough, let spring back.

winter is really beautiful!










as the saying goes: snow is a symbol of winter. this isgood, you see, yesterday the weather is cloudy, maybe itwill snow today.

sure enough snow to fall today, first off and on, stars,soon the vast floating, like goose feather, such as the afternoon, on the earth, branches, roof, remained onthe earth all things to be clothed with a layer of whitecoat, whiteness and all things in this world, there are theguardian of the snow elves. guardian is snow in the winter,snow is pure, nothing can defile it.

under the snow in slowly and quietly, so happy children,busy snowball fights, a snowman, only heard a joyouslaughter is full of between he**en and earth.

winter is beautiful, is full of spiritual, i likewinter, more like snow in winter.






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