2023年高中优秀英语作文 最美学生

发布 2021-03-03 10:14:28 阅读 8853


in 2014, when june comes, it means the college entrance exam comes, too. it is the most important moment for the high school students, they h**e worked for three years, they are ready to go to further study. this year, on that day, some accidents happened, some gangsters cut people, two br**e high school students stood out, both of them fought for the gangster, and stopped the tragedy happening.

the br**e students got hurt, they missed the important exam. they are the real heroes, they never thought a second to stopping the gangster, other students chose to be quiet. in my eyes, they are the most beautiful students, their spirit inspires the young generation, they are the new lei feng.

the public is touched by their beh**ior, some colleges are willing to offer them the chance to go to college. i am so happy for them, because they deserve the chances.




2023年高中英语作文 最美学生

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