
发布 2021-03-02 02:50:28 阅读 7973

i am a 12 years old boy. smart and handsome. i amproud of myself.

because i can get perfect scores inchinese, maths and english. it is not good enough. my baby brother was crying all the time.

me look after this little thing. my mum said, "areyousureyoucan?""yes,believemeican.

" mum went to the kitchen. i went towards my babybrother." oh baby, don't cry.

i will sing a songfor you…" i carried him and sing songs for him. afterawhile, and praised me a good boy. this is my first timetolookaftermybabybrotherandifeelproudofmyself.


teachers, hello everyone ! i was liu jinsong , ibeiyuan elementary grades in five , i am 12 years old,thoughnotverytall,looksnotsochun,butfeelquitecharacteristicnose,makeyoufeeli' me, watching tv looking for is my biggest

第1页。interest. me every day after school , after finishedwork,televisionbecamemybest"friend" watch a variety of programs , especially cartoons,because i think i get a lot of books, tv will not goto school knowledge , each watching the show , i waslike a greed difficult xiaomi peak to draw tv the "honey .

"half do not watch tv , my heart is like to bea bug crawling like, it seems that only tv can s**e methis tv fans .

ih**e**isionthatgrewwhenagreatwriter,how?great bar ! i took this ideal enrolled in remedialwritingclasses,inowbelievethatagreatday,underthe guidance of a teacher , liu jinsong will be ableto become outstanding students , and i am confidentabout the future .

that'sme-alittleconfidenceinthefuture," couch potato " thank you !【译文】








hello! (sir / madam / ladies and gentleman)my name's (中文名字), and you can call me (英文名字).

i'm eleven years study in……primaryschool,and i'm in class 5,grade people in my family,they're……my mother isa(职业)……myfatherisa(职业)……idolovemyhappywarmfamily!inaddition,i'msunnyboywithlotsofhobbies, for instance,stamp-collecting,swimming,reading, i prefer……because……and

第3页。i h**e learned since i was……years i willgraduatefromprimaryschool,andisincerelyhopethati can continue to study at this for yourattention!【译文】






everybody is good, my name is called he xuan, the angel meaning, i hoped that i forever can lookliketheangelequallyhappily,joyful,iscarefreeallday! i in the sixth grade, faced with rose the middleschool now, father and mother, grandfather paternalgrandmother, teacher schoolmates place the very big

第4页。expectation to me, i will certainly not disappointtheir expectation, will study diligently, passes anexamination junior middle school's key class! tremendous potential, will make the contributionfor the motherland!






i am a 12 years old boy.smart and handsome.i amproud of myself.because i can get perfect scores inchinese,maths and english.it is not good enough.my b...

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