
发布 2021-03-02 00:01:28 阅读 5355

world smile day, is the only one festival of the expression of human beh**ior, world mental health organization to every year since 1948 on may 8, identified as world smile day, the day will become particularly sweet, in the smile to others, you will see the world smile to himself.

on may 8, is the world smile day, today, are you laughing at? it is said that this is the only a festival celebrating the expression human beh**ior. on the corners of the mouth become warped, we against gr**ity brings a smile face aging, also a goodwill with a smile, live in harmony with the world.

in your smile to others, also can see the world smile at you. come along, smile!

since 1948, the spirit of the world health organization will every year on may 8, identified as "world smile day, hope to promote human physical and mental health, by smile passed from person to person is cheerful and friendly at the same time, promote social harmony.






关于世界微笑日的作文 世界微笑日作文。第一篇 世界微笑日。今日是5.8日。这一天变得温馨起来。在对别人的微笑中,你也会看到世界对自己微笑起来。在这一天,无论你看到孩子们天真的笑容,父母会心的笑容,还是老人和蔼的笑容,你无不觉得世界上最美妙之事莫过于此。微笑,一个简单的词,简单的动作,它不用投入,无须...

关于微笑的作文 微笑改变世界

很久以前就听过一句话 用你的微笑去改变世界,比上世界改变了你的微笑。在阅读 最美文 时,看到了第二编 把我的明媚送给你。似曾相识的标题和那段深刻的前言,使我感触良多。细细阅读,一阵阵暖流从我心间流淌,扬漾出无数感动。人活着,就是为了让别人快乐,同时自己也快乐着。世界上最温暖的东西都是无价的 阳光 母...


2017年世界读书日的来历作文。4月23日是世界读书日 又称世界图书和版权日 自世界读书日确定以来,每年这一天,世界各地纷纷举办各种活动鼓励阅读。小编收集了2017年世界读书日的来历作文,欢迎阅读。第一篇 世界读书日的来历。每年4月23日是 世界读书日 它的全称叫 世界图书与版权日 因此也称 世界图...