
发布 2021-02-28 21:02:28 阅读 3266



when spring es, many people go out for outing andmountain climbing together. my sister and i also went weekend, we went to dalong mountain to climb.



a casual dress, hiking shoes, shoulder bag, which isfilled with water and some delicious snacks, watching thetrees of the mountain draw out green buds, the flowers areblooming, we can't wait to step forward at the foot of themountain. "it's a fine day today, with beautiful sceneryeverywhere. butterflies are busy, bees are busy...

singinghappy songs, we step by step to the mountain.



walking, i suddenly saw the grass edge suddenly move,scared to stop. head down, carefully looking at the thin,slippery tail, the first animal in my mind is the snake. no,i'm afraid of snakes.

but when spring es, all kinds ofanimals wake up and snakes will e out. elder sister saw mestop and look serious. she also held her breath andfollowed my eyes.

the grass moved again. the little thingcame out, like a snake but not a snake, because it has fourfeet and is short. what kind of monster is it?


is it a gecko? i stare at it again. no, it's not agecko.

because its skin is rough, it's slippery. sistersaid: "this is a lizard, also known as a four legged snake,also known as a chameleon.

don't look. let's go. "


chameleon?" i seem to h**e seen it in an article, buti didn't expect to see it alive today. as soon as i wasexcited, i called out a voice.

the little guy seemed to befrightened and turned to earthy gray. in a blink of an eye,his kung fu was gone.


lizards are usually docile, but they also bite 't think about catching them home. let's go to themountain quickly, or when can we climb to the top of themountain?" my sister urged.


oh." i turned my head and went on climbing with mysister, but i still thought about the lizard. i wish itdidn't run so fast.

let me enjoy it.


小乌龟日记 小乌龟观察日记。范例一。在假期里,我买了一只小乌龟,名叫嘟嘟,它有一颗方方正正的小脑袋,身上背了一个 大房子 可爱极了。记得有一次,我拿来了一块肉,准备给它喂食,可我还没有放下时,嘟嘟却已经仔仔细细地盯着肉,深怕他逃走,它把脖子神得老长,却一直没吃到可口的肉,经过三番五次地折磨,嘟嘟终于...


小乌龟。小乌龟。我家养了一只小乌龟。我家的小乌龟特别爱玩耍,整天除了吃饭睡觉外,其他时间几乎在玩。有时它不停在水里游动,做出各种招牌动作 有是拼命往缸外爬,可每次才爬了一半,就 扑通 一声就掉进了水里面 有时见我从他身边走过,就把身子紧贴在缸上,仿佛在跟我交谈。远看小乌龟,他像是一块长满青苔的小石头...

小蜗牛日记 作文
