
发布 2021-02-20 10:13:28 阅读 5197

i think that reading is can let a person look forward to, it is like to take me into the story, because either the length of the text and illustrations, will let me h**e a deep experience, and text also seems to h**e wings, that kind of feeling is good.

i like reading very much, i think that reading should be rewritten to read, "yue" because, only love reading, to see the content in mind, you can't really get harvest, not see the calculate, so it is no use. i look at the great man, learn a great "spirit" and "attitude". saw the little puppet, inspired my imagination.

read the snow white, let me know what can not believe others; read the ugly duckling, let me not from the face, looks after judging other people.

people like to read books, always immersed in the interesting story book, let me the heart opens a window, let my world a better place! and i often forget to do this because of the reading, i often do homework in the reading, the result be mother scold badly; and the one who doesn't like reading a book, picked up a thick book, feel like a math exam one hundred so pain, pain annoyed to want to commit suicide, at that time, my mood is like a charred by the raging fire of forest, so empty.

don't like to read books, and is full of video games, like a beggar, need our help; but while some people like to read, and finally still addicted to video games, even if used to get more knowledge, also will forget the pleasure of reading.






some people say that reading is not good.reading is a kind ofburden,reading is locked in a tight without ventilation cages,readingas if to accept the ...


study raises a gender,reading can cultivate their temperament,make oneself is so mild and gentle,h e the bookish read volumes,such as writing,reading ...


读书好处多。在这个暑假里,妈妈给我买了好多课外书,我把我看的书总结了一下。有 童年 草房子 我是马小跳 朝花夕拾 呐喊 古希腊神话与传说 名人传 中华成语故事 中国神话与民间故事 安徒生童话 稻草人 爱的教育 感恩父母 小故事大道理 我是个爱读书的人,常常在书的海洋中乘着求知之舟遨游 在书的草原上驾...