
发布 2021-02-19 21:23:28 阅读 5250

starter 1---3

1.--你叫什么名字1-what’s your name? /may i h**e your name?

--我叫爱丽丝my name is alice.

--你的姓是什么?--史密斯what’s your last name? -smith.

2.--这个用英语怎么说2.--what’s this in english?

--这是一块橡皮it’s an eraser.

--你怎么拼它?--e-r-a-s-e-r. -how do you spell it? -e-r-a-s-e-r.

---它是什么颜色的what color is it?

--橘黄色的it’s orange.

3.现在你看,我会说我的abc了。 you see, i can say my abcs.

unit 1

1. 我叫1. my name is...

2. 我的**号码是2. my telephone number is …

我的朋友是my friend is ….

他/她的**号码是his/her phone number is …

unit 2

1.--这是谁1. -who are these?

--这是我的祖父母they are my grandparents.

--那是你的父母吗are those your parents?

--不,那是我的叔叔、婶婶no, they are my uncle and aunt.

2.这是一张我家庭的** is a photo of my family/this is my family photo.

3.我的爸爸、妈妈在第一张**里。 father and mother are in the first photo.

4.下一张**里是我的堂兄弟们。 4. in the next photo are my cousins.

5.蔻蔻是我狗的名字 is the name of my dog/coco is my dog’s name.

unit 3

1.--这是你的铅笔吗1.--is this your pencil ?

-是的,是我的yes,it’s mine.

2.--这本词典呢2. -what/how about the dictionary?

---是海伦的it’s helen’s.

3.--谢谢你的帮助3.--thank you for your help!

--不客气you’re welcome.

4.我把学生卡丢了,我必须找到它, lost my school id card, i must find it.

拨打**123456找我call me at 123456.

unit 4

1.--我的书包在哪1.--where is my schoolbag?

--在沙发上it’s on the sofa.

2.--我的钥匙在哪2.--where are my keys?

--我想在书架上i think they are in the bookcase.

3. 快点儿,我们要迟到了 on, we are late.

4. 吉娜的书到处都是 books are everywhere,我的书在哪?”她总是问where are my books?” she always asks.

unit 5

1.--你有足球吗1.--do you h**e a soccer ball?

--是的,我有yes, i do.

2.--他有棒球吗2. -does he h**e a baseball?

---不,他没有。但是他有球棒no, he doesn’t. but he has a baseball bat.

3.--让我们玩电脑游戏吧3. -let’s play computer games.

--听起来挺有趣that sounds interesting.

4.我没有篮球,但是我哥哥有。 4. i don’t h**e a basketball, but my brother does.

5.我们在同一所学习上学 go to the same school.

6.我喜爱运动,但是我不玩它们 6. i love sports, but i don’t play them

---我只在电视上看它们i only watch them on tv.

7.打排球对我来说很容易7. it’s easy for me to play volleyball.

8.课后,我和我的同班同学打乒乓球。 class, i play ping-pong with my classmates.

unit 6

1.--你喜欢汉堡吗1. -do you like hamburgers?

--是的,我喜欢yes, i do.

2.--她晚餐喜欢吃西红柿吗2. -does she like tomatoes for dinner?

--不,她不喜欢no, she doesn’t.

3.--你早餐喜欢吃什么3. -what do you like for breakfast?

--我早餐吃鸡蛋和牛奶i h**e eggs and milk for breakfast.

4.--你喜欢什么水果4. -what fruit do you like?

--我喜欢草莓i like strawberries.

5. 我喜欢冰激凌,但是我不吃5. i like ice-cream, but i don’t eat it ,我认为它不健康,我不想变胖i don’t think it is healthy , i don’t want to be fat.

unit 7

我可以帮您吗1. a:may/can i help you?

/what can i do for you? /is there anything i can do for you?

b:是的,我需要一件上学穿的毛衣。 b: yes, please. i need a sweater for school.

a:好的,您想要什么颜色a: ok. what color do you want?

b:蓝色b: blue.

a:这件怎么样a: how about this one?

b:它看起来很漂亮,多少钱b: it looks nice. how much is it?

a: 九美元a: nine dollars.

b:我就买这件b: i’ll take it.

a:给你a: here you are

b:谢谢b:thank you.

a:不客气a: you are welcome.

2.我们在大甩卖,快来买衣服吧。 and buy your clothes at our great sale.


unit one from come from 来自2.close to靠近,接近。3.an art teacher 一个美术老师 elder sister 一个姐姐。elder brother 一个哥哥 to school 去上学。school bus 坐校车 friendly to 对 友好的。...


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