when i was small, i like to eat a lot of food, buti h**e a habit, i will not eat up all the food, i justlike to taste all of it. when my mother saw this, shefelt bad for me, she told me that all the food was thefarmers’hard work, i should not waste it. thinkingabout this, i felt so shameful about my bad beh**ior,i decided to eat up the food.
wasting the food shouldbecondemned,especiallyinthecities,peopleliketowastethefood, this movement is welcomed by the public, moreand more people h**e the idea not to waste the food.【参考译文】
2019高考作文热点话题 拒绝浪费
2014高考作文热点话题 拒绝浪费。2014高考作文热点话题 拒绝浪费。阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。据有关部门统计 不论机关单位的 招待,还是民间的私人庆典,我国每年在 舌尖上 的浪费数量巨大,至少有800万吨食物蛋白和300万吨脂肪被白白丢掉 等于浪费掉了2.5亿到3亿人一年的口粮,这已成为发展...
中考英语作文 杜绝浪费
初中英语作文也是需要同学们多读多练才能拿高分的,为了帮 生对热点作文有更好的掌握,下面是英语作文范文。when i was small i like to eat a lot of food but i h e a habit i will not eat up all the food i jus...
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