
发布 2021-02-10 11:30:28 阅读 7352

1.句型作文好词好句集锦 (请将你知道的好词好句补充上去,用红色字体标注)

what calls for special attention is that...需要引起特别关注的是

it’s a truth universally acknowledged that...普遍公认的事实是。

the reason why+句子 is that +句子 ..的原因是。。。

the reasons why+句子 can be listed as follows: .的原因可以被列举如下。

the advantages of ..can be listed as follows: .的好处、优势可以被列举如下。

it can be said with certainty that.. 可以肯定地说的是。

nothing is more important/significant than the fact that...没有什么比这个事实更重要的是。。。

i hold the opinion that...我持有的观点是。

it is obviously apparent that...很显然的是。。。

it is of great importance/significance/necessity that...to do sth很重要/ 有必要。

it can be concluded from the discussion/facts/opinions that...从讨论/事实、观点中被总结出来的是。。。

the problem that +句子has been brought into focus. 。问题已经被大家关注。

it is better to do...rather than do sth 宁愿做。。。而不做。。。

it is better to ..instead of doing sth 宁愿做。。。而不做。。。

what’s equally important is that...同等重要的是。

there is no doubt that...毫无疑问的是。。。

it must be pointed out that ..必须指出的是。

it is well known to all of us that..众所周知的是。

it’s generally considered that 。。被普遍公认的是。。。

it’s a worthwhile choice(值得的选择) to

reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. 阅读对思想的重要性等于运动对身体。

the best books are treasuries of good words and golden thoughts which bring us wisdom.

you can either tr**el or read,but either your body or soul must be on the way.你可以旅行或阅读,但你的身体或灵魂必须在。

路上。where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。 pains, no gains. 不劳无获。

time and tide wait for no man. 时不我待。

2. 好词:wear a bright smile 面带微笑keep ab company = accompany sb (陪伴某人)

for the sake/ purpose of..为了put my heart into...沉醉于。

touch the bottom of the heart 触动心灵be delighted in doing sth 非常高兴做。

make a lot of sense to sb 对。。。有意义sets an good example for。。为。树立榜样。

make a difference to sb 对。。有影响achieve plenty of credit and praise 获得很多荣誉和赞扬。

take steps/ actions to do 采取措施做bear a responsibility to do(承担责任做。。)

lose oneself in doing=devote to doning 致力于做。。。widen your horizon,(开阔视野。

be addicted to=sink into =be absorbed in...沉溺于。。。h**e a strong desire to do 有强烈的愿望做。。。

be keen on doing 热衷于做be fond of doing sth 喜欢做。。。

take great interest/ pleasure in...喜欢做be in a state of exhaustion 处于疲倦的状态。

h**e a passion to do 做某事有热情spare no effort to do sth 不遗余力滴做。。。

take pains to do sth 尽力去做be grateful for sb 感激的。

make great contributions to ..为。。。做出贡献 h**e a gift in = be talented in … 在…有天赋的

attach great importance to sth 非常重视show gratitude to sb 对。表示感谢。

your heart will be filled with happiness and strength. 内心充满快乐和力量。

.. is not only beneficial to build up confidence,but also helpful to bring us joy...不仅有利于我们建立自信,更能有助于带来快乐。

连词。first and foremost, 首先 besides, 除此之外 in addition,再者, last but not least, 最后。

in conclusion,总之 on the contrary,相反 as a result,结果,on one hand, .on the other hand,..一方面,。。

另一方面。。。as is known to all of us, 众所周知的是

for instance, 例如 to be frank, 坦白说 particularly=in particular 尤其, 特别的是。

from my point of view,(我的观点) take me for an example, 以我为例。

as has been mentioned above,如上所述。




实用的好词好句作文四篇。无论在学习 工作或是生活中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?下面是小编帮大家整理的好词好句作文4篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。好词好句作文。篇1描写秋天的词语。秋高气爽天高云淡 一叶知秋金...


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