
发布 2021-02-09 23:03:28 阅读 6201

on behalf of 代表。

business line 生意范围。

deal with 做xx行业。

professional 专业的。

be familiar with 熟悉。

head office 总公司。

branch office 分公司。

from now on 从现在开始。

not only...but also 不仅。而且。

take over 接管。

be in charge of 负责。

contact by email/skype/whatsapp/phone 通过邮件/skype/whatsapp/**联系。

analysis 分析。

attract many eyes 吸引很多眼球。

domestic market/local market 国内市场/本地市场。

quotation **。

be based on t/t payment 在t/t基础上。

discount 折扣。

hello, this is linda from abc company.


on behalf of our company, we’d like to introduce ourselves to you.


we are dealing with led light for 5 years (our business line is led light), so we are professional and familar with the market.


our head office is in shenzhen, and branch office is in dongguan.


jenny just left our company, so i take over her work.


from now on, i am not only in charge of marketing research , but also sales now.


below is my information, you can contact me by email/skype/whatsapp/phone.


after analysis to your local market, this product is very hot, and attract many eyes.


please find attached quotation sheet of this product. if your quantity is larger, we can give you more discount.

price is based on 30% deposit by t/t, balance paid before shipment.



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