
发布 2021-02-09 22:32:28 阅读 9567



agreement and contract(协议与合同)

agency agreement **协议

agreement on general terms and conditions on business


agreement on loan facilities up to a given amount商定借款协议

agreement fixing price共同定价协议

agreement on import licensing procedure 进口许可证手续协议

agreement on reinsurance 分保协议

agreement to resell 转售协议

bilateral agreement 双边协议

bilateral trade agreement 双边**协议

commercial agreement 商业协定

compensation trade agreement 补偿**协议

distributorship agreement 销售协议

exclusive distributorship agreement 独家销售协议

guarantee agreement 担保协议

international trade agreement 国际**协议

joint venture agreement 合营协议

licensing agreement 许可证协议

loan agreement 贷款协议

management agreement 经营管理协议

multilateral trade agreement 多边**协议

operating agreement 经营协议

partnership agreement 合伙契约

supply agreement 供货合同

trade agreement **协议

written contract 书面协议

ad referendum contract 暂定合同

agency contract **合同

barter contract 易货合同

binding contract 有约束力合

blank form contact 空白合同

commercial contract 商业合同

compensation trade contact 补偿**合同

cross licence contract 互换许可证合同

exclusive licence contract 独家许可证合同

ex contract 由于合同

export contract 出口合同

firm sale contact 确定的销售合同

formal contract 正式合同

forward contract **合同

illegal contract 非法合同

import contract 进口合同

indirect contract 间接合同

installment contract 分期合同

international trade contract 国际**合同。


reception ri sepn 名词 n.1.接待,接见 欢迎。jim had an enthusiastic reception when he returned home.吉姆回家时受到了热情的接待。2.接待会 欢迎会 宴会 c our school g e a reception to o...


module 3 biography n.形成,成长和衰亡的记载 或历史 传记。fast food restaurant 快餐店。transform vt.转换,改变,改造。global business 跨国企业。original adj.最初的,原始的。franchise n.vt.特许经销权 ...


unit 1 1.common objective 共同目标。2.allocate roles 分配角色。3.cooperate 合作。4.make a contribution 对 做出贡献。5.subsidiary 子公司。6.acquire 收购。7.take over 接管。8.manufa...