
发布 2021-02-09 14:21:28 阅读 2272



at the airport 在机场。

part1 vocabulary **词汇

1 airport 机场。

2 check -in counter 办理登机柜台。

3 ticket 机票 e-ticket 电子机票。

4 passport 护照。

5 visa 签证。

6 boarding pass 登机证。

7 morning flight 早班飞机。

8 airline 航空公司。

9 scale 磅秤。

10 trolley 行李推车。

11 night flight 晚班飞机。

12 departures board 班机起飞时间告示牌。

13 security gate 安检门。

14 mechanical passage 电动步道。

15 duty free shop 免税商店。

16 (departure)gate 登机门。

17 departure lounge /waiting room 候机楼。

18 run way 跑道。

19 fragile item 易碎物品。

20 vip lounge 机场贵宾室。

part2 important words and phrases 延伸词汇短语。

1 make a reservation 预订机票。

2 flight number 班机号码。

3 check in 办理登机手续。

4 one-way ticket 单程票(美)

5 round-trip ticket 往返票(美)

6 single ticket 单程票(英) 7 return ticket 往返票(英)

8 open return (ticket )回程时间不定(的机票)

9 direct flight /nonstop flight 直飞班机。

10 reconfirm the ticket 再确认机位。

11 carry -on bag 随身行李。

12 excess baggage 超重行李。

13 baggage allowance 免费行李。

14 baggage claim tag 行李提取证。

15 departure 起飞。

16 local time 当地时间。

17 on time 准点。

18 delay 误点。

19 tourist information 旅游信息。

20 city map 市区地图。

part3 conversations 会话练习。

1. ****** a reservation 预订机票。

raymond: i'd like to make a reservation to los angeles for next monday.

ground staff: just a second and i'll check the schedules.

raymond: i'll need an economy ticket with an open return.

ground staff: american airlines has a flight le**ing at 9:25

raymond: i guess that's ok. what time should i check in ?

ground staff: you h**e to be there two hours before departure time.

2. checking in 办理登机手续。

raymond: i'd like to check in.

ground staff: may i h**e your ticket and passport ,please?

raymond: here you are. i'd like a window seat.

ground staff: no problem. put your baggage on the scale ,please.

raymond: all right.

ground staff: ok. here's your ticket, boarding pass, passport and baggage claim tag.

you'll be boarding at gate boarding time is 9 raymond: thank you very much.

part4 useful expressions



航班时间。1、 are there any planes to boston on sunday? 星期天有去波士顿的飞机吗?

2、 how often is there a flight to paris? 去巴黎的航班多长时间一班?

3、 we h**e flights to paris every hour. 我们每小时都有去巴黎的航班。

4、 at what time does the next plane to london le**e? 下一班去伦敦的飞机几点起飞?

5、 what's the next one after that? 在那之后是哪一班?

6、 the next one is flight 10 at 10:45. 下一班飞机是 10 点 45 分起飞的 10 号航班。

飞行时间。7、 how long is the flight from new york to washington? 从纽约到华盛顿要费多久?

8、 well, supposedly one hour ,but it's sometimes longer. 嗯,大概需要 1 小时,但有时候会稍长一点。

预订机票。9、 i'd like to make a reservation to chicago for tomorrow.


10. i can give you a reservation on that.



11、 do i h**e to reconfirm? 我需要再确认机位吗?

12、 you must make a reconfirmation 48 hours ahead. 你必须提前 48 小时再确认机位。

询问票价。13、 how much is the round trip? 往返要多少钱?

14、 the one-way ticket from san francisco to boston is $700. 从旧金山到波士顿的单程票价是 700 美元。

直达班机。15、 are they non-stop flights? 它们是直达飞机吗?

16、 is that a direct flight? 请问是直飞的吗?

17、 yes. direct to paris. 是的,这是直飞巴黎的飞机。

18、 that is not a direct flight. you need to transfer in bangkok. 那不是直飞的班机,你要在曼谷转机。


19、 i'd like to tr**el first-class, please.



20、 when am i supposed to check in?



21、 where is the check-in counter for air china?


22、 may i check in here for flight mu 562 to tokyo?

这里是去东京的 mu 562 航班登机手续办理处吗?

23、 yes, that's right. may i h**e your ticket and passport, please? 对,这里就是。请出示您的机票和护照好吗?

24、i would like to check in. 我要办理登机手续。

付机场费。25、 do i h**e to pay the airport tax?



26、 i'd like a window seat.


27、 an aisle seat, please.


28、 i'm sorry,but there are no window seats **ailable.



29、 do you h**e any other seats open where we can sit together? 还有没有其它连在一起的座位?

班机客满。30、 i'm afraid that all the flights are fully booked.



31、 do you h**e any baggage to check in?


32、 how many bags would you like to check in?


行李过磅。33、 please put your bags on the scale.


行李过磅。33、 please put your bags on the scale.



34、 what's the baggage allowance?


随身行李。35、 can i carry this bag on?




36、 please walk through the security gate.



37、 please open your bag. we'd like to h**e a look.



38、 just make sure you don't h**e any liquid with you.

我只是确定你没有携带液体。 ■再次查验行李。

39、 test again. 行李再过一次 x 光机。


40、 when is the boarding time?

班机误点。41、 i'm afraid your flight is delayed. 您的班机可能误点了。 ■开始登机广播。

42、 may i h**e your attention,please. that airlines flight tg 635 to bangkok is now boarding.

passengers in the first class, please proceed to the boarding gate now.


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