
发布 2021-02-09 09:50:28 阅读 9029


ben:so, this is the temple fair, right?那么,这就是庙会了,对吧?shirley:

yeah. would you like to appreciate the buddhist statues?是啊。你想去拜拜佛像吗?ben:

sure. but let's go there first. people are gathering there.

i'mgetting curious about it.当然。不过,我们先去那边吧。



oh, it's the “blessing wall”. that's a good place to go.


ben:why do people put these cards on the wall after they write somestuff on them?为什么大家在卡片上写了东西之后,还把它们挂在墙上呢?


the “blessing wall” is said to be magical. the thing you write onthe cards will come true one day.据说“许愿墙”是很神奇的'。


ben:interesting. i h**e many blessings to give.

so, can you wait for mefor a while?有趣。我有很多祝福要送出呢。


take your time.你慢慢来。


jeff:joan! i just had a great idea that will make us rich!乔恩!我刚想到一个好主意能让我们发财!joan:

what's that, jeff?什么主意,杰夫。

jeff:we can start a company to make chocolate eggs and jelly-beans foreaster gifts.我们可以开一个公司,做复活节巧克力蛋和豆胶糖。

joan:are you mad? there are already many companies doing this.

you willneed a more original idea than that if we are going to get rich.你疯了吗?已经有很多公司在做了。


jeff:oh. i didn't know that. are you sure?噢,我不了解这些。你肯定吗?joan:

yes i'm sure! easter used to be a religious festival but now it'smainly a reason for people to h**e a holiday and eat chocolate and candy.我肯定。


jeff:so my idea is not that great?所以我的主意不算好?joan:

well, it would h**e been if you thought of it 100 years ago, butyou're too late.如果你在一百年前想到还会是个好主意,可你太晚了。

jeff:just as well, it's not too late to practice our english then.可练习英语还不算晚。

joan:too right jeff. we could get some chocolate easter eggs, jelly-beansand hot-cross-buns and start right away.


jeff:let's do it!好!

日常英语口语对话 节日 纪念日

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