
发布 2021-02-09 02:51:28 阅读 3416










self introduction

good morning, my dear professors!

it’s my pleasure to be given a chance for your interview. my name is***i am 22 years old. i come from the **department of **university .

someone said“we are reading the first verse of the first chapter ofa book, whose pages are infinite”. i always keep it as a reminder that iam in the position of the farmers. if we plant a good seed .

we reap a goodharvest. if we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.

经历。just at the beginning of the university ,i h**e decided to go furtheron study after graduate. and since then i ve got the scholarships everyyear,and always keep in the first place in competitions.

i also worked in the students union as a minister, the responsibilityand patience has been developed by this.

furthermore for social practice i worked in **as the assistant of theheadmistress, then in***foreign language school as an english teacher.


in terms of the character and hobbies, i am thought to be diligent,optimistic and love for self-challenge.

inschoollife,ivetakenpartindebate,englishlecture,poemreading,singing contest, and got some glory such as **foundation.

it encouraged me on language learning. in university, i d liketo read books about languages. i ve been trying to learn french by myselfas well as proved my english.

家乡。my hometown is***which is a tourist city. it is called of the home ofkorean pine and famous for charming natural scenery.

hope i ll get a chanceto invite you all for a journey.

at last, i wanna say, i realize that master of teaching chinese tospeakersofotherlanguages,doesntmeantobroadonlychinese,butalsobroadthe culture. it will be the most glorious responsibility for all chinesepeople . i really hope to undertake it all my life.

thankyou foryour patience andencouragement, i sincerelyhope ill begiven a chance to be taught by you soon.

thank you all.


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