英语导读1000句 十六

发布 2021-02-08 14:22:28 阅读 3058


section 16 supermarkets

what happens in a supermarket?在超市里该怎么办呢?

well, first, you will pick up a basket or a trolley.首选,得选一个篮子或一辆推车。

whats the difference between a basket and a trolley?篮子和推车有什么不同?

a basket is used for just a little shopping.购买的物品较少,可选用篮子。

键入文字]a trolley has wheels and is used when we h**e a lot to buy.推车有轮子,用于选购较多。

的商品。then when we h**e chosen which we want, we go shopping.选择了所需东西之后,我。


modern supermarkets h**e food from all around the world.现代超市汇集了世界各地的。

食品。the food is arranged in sections containing similar foods and supplies.食品按相同种类。


you walk up and down the sections choosing what you want.人们在各种分类间走动,选购所需的物品。

in big supermarkets, the choice can be very large.大超市里的选择余地更大。

you can buy clothes and household items in some supermarkets.在一些超市里,你可以。


when you h**e finished, you go to the check-out.买完之后就可以到收银台去。

here you take all your shopping out of the basket or trolley.在这里,你从篮子或推车里。


the checkout person will then put theitems across a machine.这时,收银员会把所购的。


the machine tells you how much to pay.收银机会显示你需要付的钱数。


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