2019考研英语 必背英语词汇卡

发布 2021-02-08 13:43:28 阅读 6489


adj.相邻;邻近的,毗邻的;(时间上)紧接着的;[例句]he sat in an adjacent room and waited.他坐在隔壁房间里等候。2. adjoin


例句]fields adjoined the garden and there were noneighbours.

田园相连,四下无邻。3. accuse


例句]we resolve not to accuse them to **oid troubles.我们决定不起诉他们。4. accustomvt.使习惯;

例句]the team has accustomed itself to the pace offirst division rugby.

球队适合了英式橄榄球甲级联赛的节奏。5. advance


vi. (数量等)增加;向前推(至下一步);**;


例句]reports from chad suggest that rebel forces areadvancing on the capital.

来自乍得的报告显示叛军正向首都推动。6. accumulatevt.堆积,积累;

vi. (数量)逐渐增加,(质量)逐步提升;

例句]households accumulate wealth across a broadspectrum of assets.

家庭在以各种各样的资产形式积累财富。7. accurate


例句]police h**e stressed that this is the mostaccurate description of the killer to date.**强调这是迄今对**最精确的描述。8.


例句]facilitate, organize and administrate trainingprograms.

推动实施、组织和管理培训项目。9. adolescentn.少年,少女;


例句]it is important that an adolescent boy should h**ean adult in whom he can confide.

关键是,青春期的男孩身边应该有一个能够交心的成年人。10. acquaint


例句]i want to acquaint myself with your strengths andweaknesses.


2019考研英语 必背英语词汇卡

2019考研英语 必背英语词汇卡 六 vt.俘获 夺取 夺得 引起 注意 想像 兴趣 n.捕获 占领 捕获物 计算机 捕捉 例句 the guerrillas shot down one aeroplane andcaptured the pilot.游击队击落了一架飞机,并俘获了飞行员。2.cas...

2019考研英语 必背英语词汇

vt.使活动,起动,触发 使开始作用 例句 video cameras with night vision can be activated by movement.带夜视镜的摄像机一有动静就会启动。2.acute adj.尖的,锐的 敏锐的,敏感的 严重的,剧烈的 医 急性的 例句 the war...

2019考研英语 必背英语词汇

vt.隐藏,隐瞒,遮住 例句 frances decided to conceal the machine behind a hinged panel.弗朗西斯决定把机器藏在带铰链的嵌板的后面。2.conceive vt.怀孕 构思 想像,设想 持有 vi.设想 怀孕 考虑 例句 i just ca...