
发布 2021-02-08 08:22:28 阅读 7983

“繁荣”系列:thrive / boom / prosper / flourish

“萧条”系列:depress / sluggish / recession / slump

危险”系列:danger / risk one’s life / crisis (危机) /hazard / on the cliff / at stake

违反,违抗”系列:violate / break / defy / breach / infringe

连续的:continual / continuous / successive / consecutive

合并,联合:combine = join = merge = consolidate (巩固)

干预,介入:mediate = intervene = reconcile

徘徊:wander = stroll = linger

rupt系列:abrupt 唐突的/ bankrupt破产/ corrupt 腐败,堕落/ interrupt 打断。

press 系列:depress / impress / compress / oppress / suppress / repression


transact 交易translate翻译;转换(into)

transfer (位置上)转移transmit传播。

transform 使变形,改造transition过渡。

transplant 移植transmigrate移居。

transparent 透明的transport运输。

transient 稍纵即逝的transcend = surpass 超越。

“悲痛“系列:grieve / mourn / lament / sorrow

“领域”系列:sphere / realm / field / domain

“感激”系列:grateful / gratitude / be obliged to sb. /acknowledge / appreciate

“模糊不清”系列:ambiguous / vague / obscure

明显的,清楚的,明确的”系列:clear / obvious / evident / conspicuous / explicit / unambiguous

“障碍”系列:barrier / obstacle / hinder / handicap

“禁止”系列:ban / forbid / prohibit / inhibit

“表扬,赞扬,颂扬”系列:admire / praise / compliment / glorify

“抑制”系列:refrain / constrain / inhibit

“天赋”系列:aptitude / gift / talent

“培育,培养,训练”系列:practice / coach / nurture / nourish / train / foster / cultivate

tinct 系列:extinct / extinguish / instinct / distinct

“易于,倾向于”系列:tend to / be apt to / be prone to (坏事)/ be liable to

“古怪的”系列:odd / weird / mysterious / bizarre / eccentric / queer

“迷惑”系列:confuse / perplex / baffle / puzzle / bewilder

scribe 系列:describe / prescribe / subscribe (to)

空无虚”系列:in vain / vanish / evacuate / vacant

男性”系列:vitamin / vigorous / value / violence / verify / warrant

钱”系列:allowance / pension / subsidy / income / salary / wage / tax / revenue / duty / tariff / budget / installment / mortgage

看”系列:glance / glimpse / glare / stare / gaze / peer / peep

怒”系列:angry / raged / indignant / outraged / irritate

模仿,复制”系列:simulate / imitate / duplicate / counterfeit

遵守”系列:comply with / conform to / abide by / adhere to / follow / obey / cling to/ observe

杰出的,卓越的”系列:outstanding / remarkable / eminent / prominent / notable / fantastic / distinguished

利用”系列:utilize / exploit / employ / harness

方法,途径”系列:way / means / modes / method / fashion / path / approach

复杂的”系列:complex / complicated / intricate

器具”系列:instrument乐器 / furniture家具 / equipment器具 / appliance家用电器 / facility设施 / device设备 / infrastructure 基础设施 / utility 设施=facility

改变”系列:change / convert(性质上)改变/ transform(性质上)改变。

divert(位置上)转移 / **ert (目光、注意力、想法等)转移。

巨大”系列:giant / titanic / enormous / magnitude / tremendous

a multitude of / quantities of大量的。

归因于”系列:attribute to / ascribe to / owe to

灾难”系列:disaster / casualty / collide / collision / crash / victim / survivor / catastrophe / wreck(失事船、飞机等的残骸)

增强”系列:intensify / boost / strengthen / enhance / reinforce (加强,加固)

减少,缩小”系列:reduce / diminish / decrease / lower/ cut back / lessen / shrink (萎缩)

节约的:frugal / economical / thrifty

涌入:swarm into / spill into / flock to

缓解:ease / relieve / alleviate / modify

expand 数量上扩大 / extend 范围上延伸 / expend花费 / spend 花费。

阻碍”:block / hinder / impede / hold back

分离,隔离”:separate / divide / isolate / seclude

怀疑”系列:doubtful / dubious / skeptical / suspicious

分散,分布”系列:scatter / disperse / dissipate

居住”系列:inhabit / dwell (in) /reside

限制,约束”系列:limit / restrict / scale back / constrain / confine / restrain / curb

沉思”系列:ponder / speculate / think over / contemplate

名声”系列:famous(褒义) /notorious(贬义) /distinction(中性)

reputation(中性) /prestige(中性)

处理”系列:deal with / cope with / address / prescribe / handle / tackle


sentence(法庭判决) /verdict(陪审团裁决) /judge / accuse (of) /complaint(原告)/ defendant(被告)

2019考研 英语后缀系列 一

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