
发布 2021-02-07 05:55:28 阅读 5571

1) o! is (tom ) in ?

2) nice to meet you. i'm bill dillon.

3) nice day, isn't it?

4) i'll take all of them.

5) may i / could i speak to …?

6) is that … speaking)? yes, it is

7) how is everything going?

8) h**e a nice trip.

9) this is … speaking) .

10) looks like rain, doesn't it ?

11) shall i open the window for you ?

12) hold on (for a moment), please./ just a moment, please. /wait a moment, please.

13) who is that? /can i ask who's calling?

14) can you tell me the way to the nearest bus stop?

15) hi ! i'm judy drew.

16) why don't you use a knife?

17) i'm afraid he/she isn't here/ in right now.

18) can i take a message for you?

19) will you give him a message, please?

20) -does he /she h**e your number?

v --perhaps not. my number is….

21) how about going for a walk?

22) the line is busy. i'll try again later.

23) which is the way to the nearest post office?

24) i've lost a case , i wonder if it has been found.

25) may i use the telephone?

26) i can't get through (to sb) .i'll try again later.

27) take your time , please.

28) may i try it on ?

29) i just call to say …

30) wrong number!/ i'm afraid you've dialed a wrong number.

31) the line is bad./ it's not a good line.

32) i want to h**e a look at… .

33) how much is it?

34) i can't decide which to buy.

35) can you make it cheaper?

36) you are wanted on the phone.

37) i wonder if i could park here.

38) there is a call for you.

39) would you please not smoke here ?

40) you're welcome.

开头语:attention, please. /may i h**e your attention, please?

/i’ll h**e an announcement to make.结尾语:don’t forget the time and the address.

/i’m sure you’ll h**e a lot of fun./that’s all, thank you.

在写参观欢迎词时的开头语:welcome to our city. /now let me tell you something about our school.

结尾语:i’m sure you’ll h**e a good trip. that’s all. thank you!

写信时的开头语:i am glad to hear from you. /i’m writing to tell you something about… /how are you getting along with your studies?

/i really don’t know how to thank you for your…

结尾语:please give my best regards to… /i’m looking forward to hearing from you soon… /remember me to your parents等。


7. 行文是否自然流畅。


1) 表示平行、对等或选择关系:and,both…and,as well as,neither…nor,also,not only.…but also等。

2) 表示转折关系:but,yet,however,nevertheless,in spite of,although,otherwise,while等。

3) 表示对比关系:on the contrary,instead of,on the other hand,just like,unlike等。

4) 表示因果关系:so,for,therefore,as a result,because,owing to,due to,thanks to,on account of等。

5) 表示时间、顺序关系:shortly after, first, second…,then,next,finally,for one thing,for another thing,in the end,eventually等。

6) 表示递进、强调关系:besides,furthermore,what’s more,in addition,moreover,worse still,above all,to make matters worse等。

7) 表示解释、说明关系:namely,actually,such as,for example,for instance,that is to say,in other words,and so on,to tell you the truth,according to this等。

8) 表示结论:in short,in brief,in a word,in general,as you know,as far as i know,on the whole等。


8. 文章是否有思想性。


1) do you think you’ll like it? if not, i can try and find another flat for you.


2) as far as i know, everyone is happy about the arrangement of things.



他一开始就出师不利。he got off on the wrong foot when he started doing it.你还嫩点儿。you re still wet behind the ears.她的饭量特别小。she eats like a bird.那个孩子的嘴特别硬。that boy...


are you talking about?你在说些什么?m afraid i can t.恐怕我不行。m dying 很想 to see you.我真想见你。m flattered.过奖了。m not in the mood.我没心情。6.i m so scared.我怕极了。7.i can t ...


1冬天,送你海南的阳光 夏天,送你冰城的清凉 春天,与你一起泛舟漓江 秋天,和你同看庐山变黄。愿将美好送你心房,让你四季幸福无双!2据知音气象台报道,从今天晚上到明天白天,有一场爱情龙卷风,挟裹思念沙尘暴,席卷你的心田,预计最高温度100 心血沸腾的温度 最低温度53 眼泪的温度 相爱指数1级。明天...