
发布 2021-02-06 18:58:28 阅读 1017

1.a bar of chocolate一块巧克力。

2. an hour ago一小时以前。

3. are you going to take off your shose你要脱下鞋子吗?

4. at the moment , they are plaing in the garden . 此刻,他们在花园了玩。

5. bless you祝福你!

6. can i take a message要我传话吗?

7. can you give me a wake_up call你能打**叫醒我吗?

8. can you tell me the way to king sreet, please? 您能告诉我到国王街怎么走吗?

9. come upstairs上楼吧。

you enjoy your flight你的飞行旅途愉快吗?

me a f**or帮个忙,好吗?

you mind my smoking你介意我抽烟吗?

she h**e an earache她耳朵疼吗?

give me that少来这套!

take any chances不要心存侥幸。

your meal请慢慢享用吧。

here or to go在这儿吃还是带走?


a cup of coffee then那么来杯咖啡吧。

you got that你明白我的意思吗?

can take these flowers to her. 他能把这些花带给她。

flew to spain a week ago. 他是一星期以前飞到西班牙的。

is h**ing a bath他正在洗澡。

must telephone me at three. 他必须在三点钟给我打**。

his house他修理了他的房子。

turned on the light他开灯了。

going into the shop他正走进商店。

28.help yourself, please请自己用。

are you recently最近怎么样?

much dose it cost它多少钱?


believe that this house is for sale. 我想这房子是要**的吧。

can’t get home so early这么早我到不了家!

couldn’t help it我没有办法。

enjoy your company我喜欢有你做伴。

h**e a complaint我要投诉。

just made it我做到了!

mean what i say我说话算数。

really regret it我真的非常后悔。

thought so , too我也这样以为。

was at church on sunday星期天我在教堂。

wouldn’t worry about it ,if i were you.. 如果我是你,我就不会担心。

do my best我将会尽我最大努力。

pick up the tab我来付帐。

treat you do diner我想请你吃晚饭。


good at it我做这个很在行。


repairing your telephone line. 我正在修理你的**线。

working on it我正在努力。

i were in your shoes如果我站在你的立场上。

all depends视情形而定。

is a famous beauty spot这是一个著名的风景胜地。

sounds great听起来不错。

a long story说来话长。

against the law这是违法的。

in front of you就在你眼前。

only matter of time这只是时间问题。

very popular他很受欢迎。

it up坚持下去。

me help you让我帮你。

get to the point让我们言归正传。

the bed铺床。

some other time也许下次吧。

wife always worries too much我妻子总是担心这担心那的。

way没门!/ 不行!

is a beautiful city巴黎是座美丽的城市。

show me the menu请把菜单给我。

asked questions about everything she saw. 对她看到的一切她都要问个明白。

is a nurse她是一名**。

not a baby她不是小孩子了。

do i我也一样。


a million非常感谢。

rings a bell我总算想起来了 。

enough for me那对我已经足够了。

not true那是不对的。

answer is zero白忙了。

lady opened her handbag那位妇女打开了手提包。

town is surrounded by beautiful woods 小镇被美丽的树林环绕着。

a possibility有这个可能。

sometimes listen to the radio他们有时候听广播。

letter’s full of mistakes这信里错误百处。

heads are better than one人多智广。

had better go back to the station now . 我们现在最好回到车站去。


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