
发布 2021-02-06 16:05:28 阅读 7026


姓 family name ,surname

名 first name ,given name

性别 sex ,gender

国籍 nationality , country of citizenship

签名 signature

职业 occupation

登岸 disembarkation

护照 passport ,签证 visa

护照号 passport number

原住地 country of origin

前往国 destination country

登机城市 city where you boarded

签发日期 date of issue

出生日期 date of birth, birth date

偕行人数 accompanying number

官方填写 official use only

商务签证 business visa

观光签证 tourist visa

签证签发地 city where visa was issued

登机、启程 embarkation


大号 large, 中号 medium, 小号small

行李 baggage; luggage

登机证 boarding card ,boarding pass

机场税 airport tax

纪念品 souvenir

行李牌 baggage tag

退税处 tax-free refund

登机证 boarding card ,boarding pass

机场税 airport tax

入境大厅 arrival lobby

出境大厅 departure lobby

货币申报 currency declaration

免税商品 duty-free items

随身行李 carry-on baggage

行李推车 luggage cart

登机门号码 gate number

海关申报处 customs service area

托运的行李 checked baggage

行李领取处 baggage claim area

航站、终点站 terminal

登机手续办理处 check in counter


厕所 l**atory;washroom;toilet;

closet; rest room

男厕 men's; gent's; gentlemen's

女厕 women's; lady's

空闲 vacant

使用中 occupied

男(女)空服员 steward (stewardess)

机内免税贩卖 in-flight sales


汇率 exchange rate

手续费 commission

旅行支票 tr**eler's check

银行**价 we buy(bid)

银行卖出价 we sell(ask)

外币兑换店 currency exchange shop


前台 front desk ,reception

咖啡馆 coffee shop

客房服务 room service

酒店大堂 lobby

退房(时间) check out (time)

服务员,侍者 waiter

**叫醒服务 wake up call ,morning call

入住登记手续 check-in


how do you do,i’m glad to meet you.


how do you do. glad to meet you, too.


it's nice meeting you.


may i h**e your name, please?


may i try it on? 我能试穿一下吗?

how much? 多少钱?

please show me the menu. 请把菜单给我。

cheers! bottoms up! 干杯!

i'm lost.could you do me a f**or to find my hotel?


could you take a picture for me?


thank you very much. 非常感谢。

you're welcome. 不客气。

let's keep in touch. 让我们保持联系。

how can i get in touch with you?


i'll do my best.


wait a moment please. 请稍等一下。

parting 告别(1)

主要句型:so nice to know you. 认识您很高兴。

glad to h**e met you. 认识了您很高兴。

情景会话:a: so nice to know you.

b: glad to h**e met you. good night.

a: good night. see you on friday.

b: see you then.

用法说明:glad to h**e met you.是认识了您很高兴的意思, 这是分别时所说的话。

glad to meet you. 是见面时的用语,不要混淆。good night.

用升调, 这是晚间分别时的客套话。晚间见面时应当说 good evening.

在英语中,告别是比较讲究的,通常不会突然分手或者匆匆离去,一般的情况下,是先结束谈话,然后再告别离开。通常告别前的用语表明了谈话快要结束了,比如说: so nice to know you.

或 so nice to h**e met you. 因为直接说再见会被视为不礼貌。


a: well. i don’t want to take too much of your time.

b: not at all, it’s nice seeing you again.

a: nice seeing you again too.

b: ok. thanks for coming.

a: good-bye.

b: bye.

替换练习:1. nice seeing you again too.

2. thanks for coming.

inviting me 邀请我。

showing me around 带我游览。

seeing me off 为我送行。

seeing a doctor 看医生。


dizzy 头晕

to feel dizzy 感到头晕

headache 头痛

to h**e got a headache 患了头痛。

情景会话:a: i feel dizzy and i’ve got a headache.

b: how long h**e you had it?

a: i came on last friday.

b: i should say you’ve got a flu.

用法说明:在英美国家,预约看病是必须的,去医院或去看私人医生都一样。诊治的时候,医生会问一些诸如what’s your problem?

/what’s the trouble?/ what’s wrong? 等问题以了解病情。

而病人则要向医生叙述病情,如会话中的i feel i feel dizzy and i’ve got a headache. (我感到头晕和头痛。) 或者可以说i’ve got a bad cold.

/i’ve got a terrible headache.等。医生一般采用指令句式,语式简洁,说话语气令人宽慰。


a: i keep feeling shivery and i’ve got a bad cough.


b: how long h**e you been like this?

a: three days now.

b: you seem to h**e got a chill.

替换练习:i keep feeling shivery and i’ve got a bad cough.


a sore throat 喉咙痛。

a temperature 发烧。

a headache 头痛

talking about weather 谈论天气。

主要句型:lovely day, isn’t it?

does it rain quite often here?

autumn is the best season in hangzhou.

情景会话:a: lovely day, isn’t it?

b: yes. it’s terrific. does it rain quite often here?

a: not really in this season. usually it rains a lot in spring.

autumn is the best season in hangzhou.

b: so i come at the right time.



对话中所用的lovely day, isn’t it? 旨在打开谈话的开端,然后再谈论别的话题。


a: beautiful day, isn’t it?

b: yes. it’s sunny and bright.

a: how do you like the weather in hangzhou?

b: i like the autumn here. the sky is blue and the air is extremely fresh.


is the matter?时间到怎么了?发生了什么事?come here when i call your back to your seat我叫到你的名字时,请到这儿来回到你的座位。me want everyone to sit properly让我试试。试一试我希望每个人坐正 by one自愿...


日常用语。1.it is time to wake up.到起床时间了。2.it is already 7 15 hurry up or you will be late for school.已经7 15,快点否则你要迟到了。3.what will you shall i wear today?今...


i see 我明白了。hold on 等一等。i agree。我同意。not bad 还不错。see you 再见。shut up 闭嘴!why not?好呀!为什么不呢?allow me 让我来。be quiet 安静点!good job 做得好!how much?多少钱?i m full 我饱了...