
发布 2021-02-06 14:23:28 阅读 6939

目录。1. 在机场。

2. 在飞机上。

3. 通过海关。

4. 登记住宿。

5. 请人拍照。

6. 问路。

7. 买东西砍价。

8. 乘坐公交。

在机场。1. 我什么时候能上飞机呢?

whencan i board the plane?

2. 谢谢,我可以最迟什么时候登机?

thank you. andwhenisthe latesttime formetoboard the plane?

3. 你好,我应该什么时候办理登机手续呢?

hi, when am i supposed to check in?

4. 给你登机牌。

give you a boarding pass.

5. 我觉得我买票的时候已经付过了,这是收据。

i think i’ve already paid it when i bought my ticket, and h**e is the receipt.

6. 我不太清楚,这是第一次乘坐飞机去泰国。

i don’t know exactly, it’s my first time to thailand by plane.

7. 您好,我要替我的妈妈登记登机。

hi, i need to check in for my mother.

8. 旅途顺利。

h**e a great flight.

在飞机上。1. 请就坐,并系好安全带。

pleasebe seated and fasten your seat belts.

2. 对不起,能和您换个座位吗?

excuse me, would you mind changing seats with me?

3. 都有什么呢?(问有什么菜)

what do you h**e?

4. 请给我某物。

i’ll h**e a sth, please.

5. 请把随身行李放在上面的行李柜里。

please stow you carry-on luggage in the overhead compartment.

通过海关。1. 你好,海关检查在**办呢?

hello, where do i go through the customs inspection?

2. 我可以看看你的机票、护照和健康证明吗?

may i see your ticket passport and health certificate?

3. 你有东西要申报吗?

do you h**e your customs declaration?

4. 你有应缴税的东西吗?

h**e you anything dutiable?

5. 我已经填好申报表的所有栏目了。

i’ve filled in those items listed in the form.

登记住宿。1. 我定了房间,现在想办理住宿登记。

i made a reservation and i’d like to check in.

2. 请填写这张登记卡好吗?

would you fill out this registration card?

3. 你好,我可以把行李先寄存在酒店里吗?

hello, i can put in our luggage storage at the hotel it?

4. 请填写一下登记表好吗?

would you mind filling in the registration form?

5. 我在房间号下面应该填写什么呢?

what should i fill in under room number?

6. 这是520房间的钥匙和房卡,请保管好,服务员会带你到房间的。

here’s the key to room 520 and your room card, please, keep them, and the bellman will show you up.

7. 有什么要帮忙的?

what can i do for you?

8. 顺便问一下,现在去看一下房间方便吗?

by the way, would it be convenient to see the room now?

9. 我想确定一下我预定的房间。

i like to confirm my reservation.

10. 能用一下你的笔吗?

can i use your pen for a minute, please?

11. 我可以再次确认一下你离开的时间吗?

may i reconfirm you departure date?

12. 你能帮我一下吗?

can you help me?

13. 我需要你的帮助。

i need your help.

14. 谢谢。

thank you.

15. 不客气。

not at all.

请人拍照。1. 能帮我拍张照吗?

couldyou please take our picture?

2. 打扰了,能帮我们拍张**吗?只要按一下这个键就好了?

excuse me, could you take a photo for us? just press this button.

3. 你们准备好了吗?是的,我们准备好了?请笑一笑,好。

are you ready? yes, we are, please smile, ok.

4. 太好了。

that is wonderful!

5. 但你能告诉我怎样使用这个相机吗?

but can you tell me how to use the camera?

6. 茄子。


7. 非常感谢。

thank you very much.

8. 保持不动,笑一个,再来一张。

keep the pose and cheese, one more, please.

9. 再拍一张,好吗?

one more, please.

10. 我为你拍照,好吗?

may i take you picture?

问路。1. 你能告诉我去上海宾馆的路吗?

can you tell me the way to the shanghai hotel, please?

2. 打扰了,你能告诉我动物园在**吗?

excuse me, would you please tell me where the zoo is?

3. 你能告诉我应该坐哪一辆车吗?

could you tell me which bus should i take?

4. 公共汽车站在**呢?

where is the bus stop?

5. 从这里步行到动物园要多久呢?

how long dose it take to go to the zoo from here on foot?

6. 沿着这条街,一直走到红绿灯口。

go along the street until you get to some traffic lights.

7. 对不起,我对这里也不熟。

i am sorry, i am a stranger here myself.


1. 多少钱?

how much is it?

2. 能便宜点吗?

can you cut the price down a bit?

3. 太贵了。


4. 便宜点。


5. 那个某物多少钱?

how much is the sth.

6. 打个折吧。

would you give me a discount?

7. 我能尝尝吗?

can i try some?

8. 总共多少钱?

how much are they?

9. 你能给我三张10元的钞票吗?

would you please give three prices of ten yuan notes?

乘坐公交。1. 打扰了,这是去公园的车吗?

excuse me, it this the bus going to the part?

2. 车费多少钱?

how much is the fare?

3. 请你提醒我在公园下车好吗?

will you please tell me when we get to the park?

4. 到那儿要用多长时间呢?

how long does it take to get there?

5. 哦,天哪,我该怎么办呢?

oh, my god, what shall i do?


目录。1.我什么时候能上飞机呢?whencan i board the plane?2.谢谢,我可以最迟什么时候登机?thank you.and when is the latest time for me to board the plane?3.你好,我应该什么时候办理登机手续呢?hi,when...


一 在机场 at the airport 1.我什么时候能上飞机呢?when can i board the plane?2.你好,我应该什么时候办理登机手续呢?hi,what time am i supposed to check in?3.给你登机牌。give you a boarding pa...


d1 上海 曼谷fm839 0845 1220 各位贵宾于国内机场集合,专人办理登机手续,随即乘机飞往具有 微笑国度 之称的泰国首都 曼谷 抵达后由泰国美女为您献上迎宾花环,随即由专业亲切的导游带领您前往酒店休息。d2拉玛皇朝大皇宫 玉佛寺 五世皇柚木行宫 船游湄南河 水上人家 桂河大桥 漂流竹筏卡...