
发布 2021-02-06 12:51:28 阅读 5770

1.顾客进入商店时,店主或店员的常用语:what can i do for you﹖can(may)i help you﹖

is there anything i can do for you﹖may(can) i do something for you﹖


2.店主或店员想了解顾客想要什么、喜欢什么或向顾客推荐物品时的用语:which shirt(pen...do you like﹖你想买哪一件衬衫(笔……)what size(color、kind...do you want﹖你想买哪种型号(颜色、种类……)do you like this size(color、kind…)﹖你喜欢这种型号(颜色、种类……)吗?is this(are these)all right﹖这个(这些)可以吗?

what about these(those)﹖这些(那些)怎么样?what else would you like﹖你还想要点什么?

3.顾客要告诉店主或店员想买什么时的用语:can you show me…﹖你能给我看看……吗?i would like(want) some….我想买……。

h**e you got any…﹖你们有……吗?i'm looking for….我想买……。

4.顾客向店主或店员询问价钱或讨价还价时,可以说:how much is it (are they)﹖多少钱?how much do youask for it(them)﹖

这个(些)你要多少钱?what does it come to﹖


can it(they) be cheaper﹖能便宜点吗?that's too much dear.太贵了。

can you sell it for two yuan﹖两元钱你卖吗?can you come down a little﹖能便宜一点吗?how much do you want﹖你想要多少钱?

5.顾客选购物品时,店主和顾客之间交谈的常用语:may i h**e a look at it(them)﹖我可以看看吗?can i try it(them)on﹖我可以试一试吗?

…is (are) over there.



英语购物话题补充用语。非常漂亮 太贵拉。你有大约80圆的东西吗?对不起,我就来 我能看一下这个包吗?你有别的款式吗?你有小一点的吗?3个这样的。你能把它作为礼物包装吗?你能分别包装吗?还有其他的吗?不,够拉。能给我个纸带吗?我要带着这个一共多少钱?含税了吗?能打些折吗?我能买它免税吗?你们接受旅行支...


i am only a regular 9 to 5er.我只是一个平凡的朝九晚五上班族。it s nothing but an ordinary watch.这只是块普通的表。he had nothing but a cup of tea this morning.他今天早上只喝了杯茶。he is...


1 hold on hang on 等一下 当你需要思考或者暂停一下时可以说 比如别人问你一个问题你还在思考的时候 2 how is everything?还好吗?熟人打招呼的用语 3 yummy 好吃!请表情配合,哈哈 4 you h e my word.我向你保证 是这样 5 look,i h ...