日常英语口语900句17 用英语讨论过去的事

发布 2021-02-06 06:32:28 阅读 9360


250. he said he spoke a little english.250.他说他会讲一点。

251. then i asked him if he knew anybody in new york .251.

接着我就问他是否理解在纽约的人?252. he said he knew a lot of people there.


253. finally,i asked him how old he was.253.最后我问他多大了?

254. he said he would rather not tell his age.254.他说他不想提及他的年龄。

255. he answered almost all of my questions.255.他几乎回答了我所有的问题。

256. what time did you use to get up last year?256.去年你通常几点起床?

257. i used to wake up early and get up at 7 o’clock.257.我过去常常醒得很早,在7:00左右起床。

258. i used to set my alarm clock for exactly 7 我过去常常把我的闹钟定在上午7:00钟。

259. i never used to oversleep.


260. i used to get dressed quickly every morning.260.我通常穿衣服很快。

261. i always used to le**e for work at 8:30.261.我过去常常在8:30去工作。

262. i used to start working at 9:00 o’clock every day.262.我过去常常在每天9:00开始工作。

263. i used to h**e lunch every day at the same time.263.我过去常常在每天同一时间吃午餐。

264. i used to work until nearly 6:00 o’clock each day.264.我过去常常工作到6:00左右。

265. i used to h**e dinner at 7:30 and go to bed early.265.我过去常常在7:30吃晚饭,而且睡觉很早。

266. my brother and i used to go a lot of places together.266.我和我哥哥过去常常一起去一些地方。

267. we used to go to the movies about once a week.267.我们过去常常一周去看一次电影。

268. we used to h**e a lot of interesting friends.268.我们过去有一些很有趣的朋友。

269. my brother used to speak french to me all the time.269.我的哥哥过去总是给我**语。

270. i always used to ask him a lot of questions.270.我过去常常问他一些问题。


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