英语面试口语900句 关于家庭

发布 2021-02-06 06:09:28 阅读 8876

英语面试口语900句: 关于家庭 (ⅱ

关于家庭 (ⅱ

you tell me something about your family?请告诉我一些你家里的事情。

are five in my family,my parents,a younger broth-er,a younger sister and myself.共有5口人,包括我的父母、一个弟弟、一个妹妹和我。

father works in a bank and my mother is a teacher.我父亲在银行工作,我妈妈是一位教师。

my brother and sister are studying at school.我的弟弟妹妹都还在学校上学。

say something about your family.请说说你家里的情况。


family is not big.我们家人口不多。

are four altogether--my mother,my wife,my son,and i.我家共有四口人,我妈妈、我妻子、儿子和我。

father passed away.我父亲已经过世了。

mother is fifty-nine years is retired now.我母亲59岁,退休在家。

wife is an accountant.我妻子是一名会计。

son is only over two.我儿子才两岁多。

is looked after by my is the apple of our eye.我儿子由我母亲照料,他是全家的掌上明珠。

you spend much time staying with your family?你花很多时间与家人在一起吗?

say there is a generation gap in the world today,but i don’t think there is one in my family.


all get together to eat and talk.我们总是聚在一起吃饭聊天。

often watch tv together with my family in the evenings.晚上我经常和家人一起看电视。

the weekends or holidays,we sometimes go to parks,cinemas,and concerts together.


live a happy life together.我们一起过着幸福的生活。

dialogue a

( i=interviewer主试人 a=applicant受试人)

i:would you tell me something about your family?

a:with are five in my family,my parents,a younger sister, a younger brother and myself. my father works in a bank and my mother is a my broth-er and sister are studying at school.

i:do you h**e to support your family?

a:no,my father does.

dialogue b

i: please say something about your family.

a:my family is not are four altogether,my mother,my wife, my son and i. my father passed away.

my mother is fifty-nine years is retired. my wife is a high school teacher. my son is only over two.

he is looked after by my mother. he is the apple of our eye.

i:do you spend much time staying with your family?

a:oh, say there is a generation gap in the world today, but i don’t think there is one in my family. we all work at taking time to talk with each at mealtimes, we all get together to eat and talk.

meals are very lively at our house. i often watch tv together with my family in the the weekends or holidays, we sometimes go to parks, cinemas, and concerts together.


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