
发布 2021-02-06 03:52:28 阅读 8306


nice to meet(see) you!/glad to meet you!


how are you today?

你好吗?i’m ok!我专门好!/ fine, thank you. and you?专门好,谢谢,你呢?3、

are you happy today?你今天快乐吗?

yes,i’m happy.是的,我很快乐。

4、why are you looking unhappy?你怎么不快乐?

五、what’s wrong with you? you don’t look well.你怎么了?你看起来不太好。

6、where did you go yesterday?你昨天去了哪儿?7、please come in.

请进。please come here.请过来。


good morning”to the teacher(s).向教师(们)说早上好。

九、say“good-bye”to your daddy/mummy/grandpa/grandma.跟爸爸/妈妈/爷爷/奶奶说再会。

10、please put your schoolbag on the shelf.请把书包放在架子上。组织教学。

it’s time for class.


please look at me and listen carefully.


now let’s learn something new.此刻,咱们学点新东西。

are you ready?预备好了吗?yes, we’re ready.是的,咱们预备好了。

do you understand?/can you follow me?


follow me,please.请跟我学。

who wants to h**e a try?谁想试一试?

let me try!让我试试。

think it over and try again.想一想,再试一次。

try your best. /do your best.请尽力。

10、don’be afraid./ shy.不要可怕/害羞。

1一、all together.大伙儿一路做。

girls (boys) only.只有女(男)生做。practice in groups, please.分组练习。in pairs.两人一组。

1二、put up your hands, please./ hands up.请举手。

13、repeat, please./ repeat after me.跟我重复。

14、once more, please./ one more time, please.请再来一遍。

1五、stop now, please./ stop here, please.请停下。

1六、be quick, please./quickly, please. /hurry up.请快点。

17、speak up./ louder, please.请高声点。

1八、be quiet, please.请安静。

1九、help each other, please.请相互帮忙。

20、please open your books.请打开书。

please close your books.请合上书。

2一、please turn to page x .


2二、please read after me.请跟我读。

23、listen to the tape.

听录音。24、what’s in the picture?**上有什么?

2五、let’s listen to a song, please clap your hands.让咱们来听一首歌,请鼓掌。

2六、one, two, three, eyes on teacher.小眼睛,看教师。

four, five, six, hands on knees.小小手,请放好。

27、stop talking./ don’t talk .不要说话。

2八、today i’m going to tell you a story.今天我要给你们讲一个故事。

2九、please go back to your seat.请回到你的座位上去。

30、stand up, please./ sit down, please.请站起来。/请坐下。

3一、let’s play a game.咱们来做个游戏。

3二、let’sing/ draw/run/talk together.让咱们一路唱歌/画画/跑步/说话。

33、don’t worry about it.别着急。

no problem.没问题。

that’s ok.没关系。

34、guess, what’s inside?猜一猜,里面有什么?

3五、pass it, one by one.一个一个往下传。

3六、act with the music.随着**做动作。

37、face the class/ audience when speaking/acting.说话/演出时请面向大伙儿/观众。

3八、x and x , please exchange your seats.请x和x互换一下座位。

3九、let’s clap hands for x .让咱们为x鼓掌。

40、that’s all for today. class is over. good-bye.

/see you next time.今天就到这儿了。下课,再会。


一、it’s time for morning exercises.该做早操了。

二、line up, please.请排队。

3、please make two lines, boys a line, girls a line.请排两队,男生一队,女生一队。

4、one by one, please. no pushing. no cutting in.请一个接一个走,不要推。别插队。

五、be careful!警惕!六、at ease. attention.稍息。立正。

7、quick time, march./ march.齐步走。


九、turn left/ right./round.向左/右转。转身。

10、arms out. arms in.两臂外伸。两臂放下。

1一、look ahead.向前看。left


1二、look at me, boys and girls, please follow me.大伙儿请看着我,跟我做。

13、let’s play on the seesaw/swing/slide/junglegym.咱们一路玩翘翘板/秋千/滑梯/攀登架。

14、let’s play with the ball.咱们一路玩球吧。

1五、are you tired? we are all tired.你们累了吗?咱们都累了。

1六、let’s h**e a rest.咱们休息一会儿。

17、let’s go back to our classroom.回教室。课间休息。

please go to the bathroom, one by one.排好队去洗手间。

be careful! the floor is wet.警惕,地面是湿的。

please wash your hands.请洗手。

soap your hands down.在手上摸香皂。

take down the towel and wipe your hands.摘下毛巾擦擦手。

put up your towel.把你的毛巾挂好。

s**e water,please.请节约用水。

please take your cup and get some water.请拿杯子接水。

let’s drink some water/milk.咱们喝点水/牛奶吧。进餐。

are you hungry?饿了吧?

it’s time for breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack.该吃早饭/午饭/晚餐/点心了。

let’s see what is for breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack.让咱们看看早饭/午饭/晚餐/点心吃什么。

we will h**e…咱们吃……


clean the table, please.请擦桌子。

hold your bowl.扶好碗。

be careful! the soup is hot. blow and then h**e it.警惕,这汤很烫。吹吹再喝。

please keep the table clean.请维持桌面干净。

10、try to finish everything.尽力把所有的东西都吃干净。

1一、please clean up your spills.请大伙儿把掉在桌上的东西整理干净。

1二、please put the bones on the plate.请把骨头/鱼刺放到盘子里。

13、it’s yummy/nice/delicious!真好吃。

14、it’s good for your growth.这很营养,能帮忙你长高。

1五、who wants more rice/soup/dish?谁还要米饭/汤/菜。

1六、what about you? and you?你呢?

17、h**e you finished?吃完了吗?

1八、please hand you bowl here.请把你的碗送过来。

1九、rinse your mouth, please.请漱口。

20、clean your mouth, please.请擦嘴。入寝。

it’s time to take a nap.睡午觉的时刻到了。

take off your shoes.脱鞋。

take off your clothes.**服。

fold your clothes/quilt up.把衣服/被子叠好。

put your shoes in order.把鞋子放好。

cover yourself with the quilt.被子盖好。

no nibbling nails.别吃手。

no biting the quilt.别咬被子。

close your eyes, and h**e a good dream.闭上眼睛,做个好梦。

10、wake up, please.

请醒醒。1一、get up, please.起床。

1二、dress yourself, please.请自己穿好衣服。

13、put on your shoes.穿上鞋。

14、tie your shoes.系好鞋带。

15、wake up the children beside you.把隔壁的小孩唤醒。

16、do you need some help?需要帮忙吗?离园。

get your things done up.把你的东西整理好。

get your clothes neat.把衣服整理好。

please tuck your shirt into your trousers.请把衬衣塞到裤子里。

your mummy and daddy are coming.你们的妈妈爸爸就要来了。

please bring…tomorrow morning.请记得明天把……带来。

take your schoolbag with you.带上你的书包。

say“good-bye”to me/your classmates.跟我/你的同窗说再会。

good-bye. /see you tomorrow.再会。


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