
发布 2021-02-06 03:35:28 阅读 7398


1. actions speak louder than words.(行動勝空談;事實勝雄辯。)

2. advice when most needed is least heeded.(忠言逆耳。)

3. after a storm comes a calm.(否極泰來。)

4. all good things come to an end.(天下無不散之筵席;花無百日紅)

5. all is well that ends well.(結果佳者乃為佳。)

6. all is not gold that glitters.(中看不中用;金玉其表敗絮其中。)

7. all roads lead to rome.(條條大路通羅馬;行行出狀元)

8. all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.(只工作不玩樂會使人笨拙)

9. an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.(以眼回眼,以牙還牙,一報還一報)

10. an idle youth, a needy age.(少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲。)

11. art is long; life is short.(學海無涯,人生苦短。)

12. as you sow, so shall you reap.(種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆)

13. a bad penny always comes back.(惡有惡報)

14. a burnt child dreads the fire.(一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩)

15. a contented mind is a perpetual feast.(知足常樂)

16. a friend in need is a friend indeed.(患難識忠貞)

17. a friend is not so soon gotten as lost.(失友容易,得友難)

18. a jack of all trades is master of none.(樣樣通,樣樣鬆)

19. a leopard cannot change his spots.(江山易改,本性難移)

20. a man is known by the company he keeps.(觀其友,知其人)

21. a miss is as good as a mile.(失之毫釐,差之千里)

22. a near neighbor is better than a distant cousin.(遠親不如近鄰)

23. a penny s**ed is a penny earned.(省一文就是賺一文)

24. a rolling stone gathers no moss.(滾石不生苔,轉業不聚財)

25. a stitch in time s**es nine.(及時行事,事半功倍)

26. a bird in hand is worth two in the bush.(一鳥在手勝於兩鳥在林)

27. a little learning is a dangerous thing.(一知半解最危險)

28. a sound mind lies in a sound body.(健全頭腦寓於健全的身體)

29. an apple a day keeps the doctor away.(定時定量,健康之道)

30. barking dogs seldom bites.(面惡心善,吠叫的狗不咬人)

31. beauty is but skin deep.(色即是空,美麗僅隔一層皮)

32. beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. (情人眼裡出西施)

33. beggars mustn’t be choosers. (飢不擇食)

34. be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.(在家千日好,出外一日難。)

35. better late than never.(寧遲不缺;只要開始,雖晚不遲。)

36. birds of a feather flock together.(物以類聚)

37. birth is much, but breeding is more.(養比育重要。)

38. blood is thicker than water.(血濃於水;親情勝於外人)

39. brevity is the soul of wit.(言貴以簡)

40. business is business.(公事公辦。)

41. care killed a cat.(勞神喪命)

42. choose death before disgrace.(寧死勿屈。)

43. comparisons are odious.(人比人氣死人。)

44. constant dripping wears away the stone.(滴水能穿石。)

45. cross the bridge when you come to it.(船到橋頭自然直。)

46. cut your coat according to your cloth.(量入為出。)

47. deeds, not words, are needed.(行動勝於空談。)

48. diamond cut(s) diamond.(強中自有強中手。)

49. distant kinsmen mean less than close neighbors.(遠親不如近鄰。)

50. do nothing you would wish to conceal.(若為人不知,除非已莫為。)

51. do as you would be done by.(己所欲,施於人。)

52. do in rome as the romans do.(入境隨俗。)

53. don’t bite off more than you can.(勿不自量力。)

54. don’t cast pearls before swine.(不要對牛彈琴。)

55. don’t change horses in mid-stream.(臨陣勿換將。)

56. don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.(勿打如意算盤。)

57. don’t fish in the troubled waters.(勿混水摸魚。)

58. don’t judge things by their appearances.(不要以貌取人。)

59. don’t put cart before the horse.(不要本末倒置。)

60. easier said than done.(說來容易做來難。)

61. even homer sometimes nods.(智者千慮必有一失。)

62. every dog has his day.(人皆有得意之時。)

63. every rose has its thorn.(沒有完全的幸福;快樂之中必有痛苦)

64. everybody’s business is nobody’s business.(眾人之事乏人置理。)

65. experience keeps a dear school.(經驗為最好的教育。)

66. extremes meet.(物極必反)

67. faith can move mountains.(有志竟成)

68. fine words butter no parsnip.(光說不練沒有用。)

69. familiarity breeds contempt.(近廟欺神。)

70. fine feathers make fine birds.(人靠衣裳,佛靠金裝)

71. fire and water may be good servants, but bad masters.(水火善用為良僕,誤用為惡主。)

72. first come, first served.(捷足先登,先來先供應。)

73. fools are wise after the event.(經一事長一智)

74. forgive and forget.(寬以待人。)

75. give a dog a bad name and hang him.(欲加之罪,何患無詞。)

76. god helps those who help themselves.(天助自助)

77. good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth.(良藥苦口)

78. good news goes on crutches.(好事不出門)

79. god’s mill grinds slow but sure.(天網恢恢,疏而不漏。)

80. grasp all, lose all.(貪者必失。)

81. habit is a second nature.(習慣是第二天性)

82. half a loaf is better than no bread.(聊勝於無)

83. haste makes waste.(欲速則不達)

84. he that touches pitch shall be defiled.(近墨者黑)

85. he**en helps those who help themselves.(天助自助。)

86. health is above [better than ]wealth.(健康勝於財富)

87. he**en’s vengeance is slow but sure.(天網恢恢,疏而不漏)

88. history repeats itself.(歷史會重演)

89. hoist your sail when the wind is fair.(見機行事。)

90. honesty is the best policy.(誠實為上策)

91. hunger is the best sauce.(飢不擇食)

92. if at first you don’t succeed, try again.(再接再厲,方能成事。)

93. ignorance is bliss.(無知便是福)

94. idle folk h**e the least leisure.(懶人才會說沒空)

95. if you run after two hares, you will catch neither.(同時追兩兔,兩隻都成空)

96. ill got, ill spent.(悖入悖出)

97. it’s dogged (that) does it.(天下無難事,只怕有心人)

98. it’s no use crying over spilt milk.(覆水難收)


一篇好的应试作文一定要有一个给力的开头或者结尾哦 盘点一下四六级作文可引用的36句谚语格言 makes perfect.熟能生巧。helps those who help themselves.天助自助者。said than done.说起来容易做起来难。there is a will,there ...


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