35条英语谚语 2

发布 2021-02-06 01:20:28 阅读 6160

1. practice m熟能生巧。akes perfect.

2. time is mo时间就是金ney.钱。

3. easier sai说来容易做d than done.来难。4. where ther有志者事竟e is a will,成。there is a way.

5. look befor三思而后行。e you leap.

6. knowledge知识就是力is power.量。

7. god helps自助者天助。those who help themselves.

8. nothing is心之所愿,无impossible t事不成。o a willing heart.

9. it’s never活到老,学到too old to l老。earn.

10. no pains,不劳无获。no gains.

11. once in a千载难逢。blue moon.

12. to make t将不可能变he impossible为可能。possible.

13. failure i失败乃成功s the mother之母。of success.

14. a friend患难见真情。in need is afriend indeed.

15. first thi先做重要之ngs first.事。

16. great min英雄所见略ds think alik同。

e.17. rome was成功并非一not built in朝一夕的事。a day.

18. all that闪光的未必glitters is n都是金子。ot gold.

19. east or w金窝银窝不est, home is如自家草窝。the best.

20. time an时间不等人。d tide wait for no man.

21. there is成功只有一。

but a secret个秘诀—永不to success—ne

放弃!ver give up!

22. where the有生命必有re is life, t希望。here is hope.

23. beauty wi漂亮不能当ll buy no bee饭吃。f.

24. better la迟做总比不te than neve做好。r.

25. every lit点滴都有用;tle helps.积少成多。

26. the short最简短的回est answer is答就是行动。doing.

27. no news i没消息,就是s good news.好消息。

28. well begu好的开始是n, half done.成功的一半。

29. all for o人人为我,我ne, one for a为人人。ll.

30. one false失之毫厘,谬step will ma以千里。ke a great difference.

31. facts spe事实胜于雄ak louder tha辩。n words.

32. as the tr种瓜得瓜,种ee, so the fr豆得豆。uit.

33. to live i活着为了学s to learn; t习,学习为了o learn is to更好的活着。better live.

34. like and趣味相投。like make good friends.

35. all work只学习不玩。

and no play m耍,聪明的孩akes jack a d子也变傻。ull boy.


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