1. 文章的中心思想——第一句20%
2. 文章中具体细节(查细节45%
3. 作者的观点或文章结论——最后一句10%
4. 对错选择 ,题型特点——true not true 10%
5. 解释词义和指出代词所代替的成分 ,题型特点是带“”10%
6.提到未提到,题型特点——not mention mention 5%
1. 牢牢抓住中心——围着中心转
1) the main (主要的)idea(思想,主意)[,文章) is…
2) which [,best expresses
表达) the main idea
3) which[, best states(陈述) the theme(主题) of the passage?
4) the subject主体的 matter问题, 物质, 内容, 实质 [,is…
5) the passage mainly discusses(讨论)…
6) this paragraph centers(中心)(focuses on)(中心,焦点)…
7) this passage mainly deals with(涉及)…
8) this passage is chiefly(首要) concerned with(有关)…
9) the author(作家 )’s purpose(意图) [is…
10) what is the passage mainly about?
1) the author states(陈述) all the items(项目) [列出的) except…,即除…
2) why does the author mention(说起,提起)…
3) how many(much)… how much…. does land cove?
4) which city does the author describe(描写)…
5) which [,is true (not true)(真实的)?
6) what time (when) does the writer(作者) think(以为)it happened.
8) which is not a result [,
9) all may be …
10) which is not mentioned?
3. 有关词汇和短语含义的问题。
1) the word “…refers to(指)…
2) in paragraph 4, “it ” refer to (means)……
4. 有关判断、推理和引申的问题。
1) it can be inferred(推断) from the passage that….
2) which can be inferred?
3) it can be concluded (结论) from the passage that …
4) the paragraph(段落)most probably(大概) discusses(讨论,论述)….
5. 有关领会作者的观点、意图和态度的问题。
1) the author’s main(主要的) purpose(目的)is….
2) the author’s purpose[, is….
3) in this passage the author’s attitude(看法)[,could best..
4) the author’s main thought(思想) is that…
5) the author probably feels(感觉) that…
职称英语阅读理解 理工
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