
发布 2021-02-05 21:11:28 阅读 8537

1. abnormal: an abnormal phenomenon

反:normal return to normal恢复正常。

2. absolute: i h**e absolute confidence in her.

adv. absolutely : absolutely right完全正确。

absolutely not 当然不,绝对不。

3. accomplish: accomplish a task完成任务。

n. make accomplishments取得成就。

4. advanced : advanced scientific technology先进的科学技术advanced maths高等数学。

agricultural products农产品。

an amusing game好玩的游戏。

(arose, arisen): many problems arise due to lack of communication skills. 出现。

he arose from his seat.站起来。

arise out of/ from …由…引起。

emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause.

8. astonishing: i find it absolutely astonishing that you didn’t like it.

9. automatically:

the heating witches off automatically.自动地。

i turned left automatically without thinking.不假思索地。

10.bow :

vi. bow to sb向…鞠躬。

vt. hindus join their hands and bow their heads in respect.

n. with a polite bow礼貌地鞠。

11. briefly: in brief简要地。

反:in detail, at length

12. carbon

carbon dioxide emissions 二氧化碳排放。

a low-carbon lifestyle低碳的生活方式。

rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere不断增长的…

: great disaster

14. championship the world championship

the smoke choked me.呛。

he choked when he ate too quickly.噎住。

she nearly choked with anger at the news.说不出话。

the pipe choked up.堵塞。

16.circumstance 常用复数,under/in present circumstances在目前情况下。

under no circumstances决不。

17.coincidence by coincidence巧合。

what a coincidence!多么巧合的事啊!


make a commitment to sb向…作出承诺。

make a commitment to do sth答应做…

this career requires one hundred per cent commitment.奉献,投入。

take on commitments承担责任/义务。

v. commit

commit a crime犯罪commit an error犯错。

do you h**e a good sense of direction? if not, please take with a compass.指南针。

pl.]圆规 the compasses are big, drawing a circle with ease.

常用单数]界限 beyond one’s compass非力所能及。

20. competitor

i beat my competitors in the competition.

21. complain

complain (to sb) about/of…向…抱怨…

complain (to sb) that…

n. complaint

a letter of complaint投诉信。

make/lay a complaint against对。进行投诉。

22. composition 作文,组成,作曲。

23. consequently 因此,所以。

as a consequence= in consequence = accordingly

34. consideration n. 考虑,要考虑的事;体贴,关心。

out of consideration出于关心。

take…into consideration将…考虑在内。

ad. 经常地;不断地。

she is constantly changing her mind.


a. 有说服力的;有力的。

a convincing argument 富有说服力的论点。

v. convince sb of sth说服…相信…

convince sb that…

sb is convinced that …相信…

n. 小屋,村舍。

n. 黄瓜。

n. 好奇,好奇心。

out of curiosity出于好奇。

with curiosity好奇地,由于好奇。

ad. 好奇地。

he looked curiously at the people.


n. 黑暗,盲目。

in the darkness 在黑暗中。

the islanders used to live in darkness.


defense) n. 防御, 答辩, 防。

务。national defence 国防。

in defence 防备地,警惕地。

in defence of 保卫,辩护。

they took up arms in defence of their country.


speak in defence of anti-pollution laws为防治污染法辩护。

v. 否认,不承认;拒绝给予,拒绝要求。

deny doing sth否认做…

deny sb sth拒绝给予。

he denied the students a chance to speak.

n. 决心,决定;确定。

a man of great determination一个意志坚定的人, 果断的人。

it was determination and patience that won her great reputation.

a. 下定决心的,有决心的。

be determined to do sth

v. 浸,蘸;落下,下降。

he dipped his pen into the ink.用钢笔蘸墨水。

joe stepped aside and dipped his head down.低下了头。

n. 尘,土,污垢。

hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt.

wipe the dirt off the shoes

v. &n. 不喜欢,憎恶。

v. dislike doing sth

i enjoy learning english, but i dislike remembering new words.

n. 不喜爱,厌恶[c][u][(of/for)]

the boy has a dislike for vegetables.


n. &v. 尘土;粉末。

brush/wipe the dust off the dest

as) dry as dust枯燥无味的;渴死人的。

you are a very silly person,” the figure in the doorway said, his voice dry as dust.声音干巴巴的。

a. &ad. 向东的,向东方地。

n. 生态;生态学。

v. 编辑,校订;主编,编辑。

n. 版,版本。

the first edition首印版。

n. 大使馆。

n. 受雇者,雇工,雇员。

n. 雇佣者,雇主。

ad. 完全地;彻底地。

my life is entirely given up to work.


i entirely agree with you.


a. 忠诚的;尽职的;如实的,准确可靠的。

be faithful to…忠诚于…,忠实于…

he is faithful to his wife.


this is a faithful account of the accident.


ad. 忠诚地,如实地。

yours faithfully


遗漏新增词汇50个。1.anticipate v.n 预料 预期 预见 期望。2.assure v.r 确保 使确信 向 保证 弄清。3.cease v.sis 停止 结束 中断 平息。4.commodity n.k m dti 商品 有用的东西 有使用价值的事物。5.compile v.km pa...


一 2014年由 理解 转为 掌握 200个词汇 考纲词汇表i中去掉 academy n.专科学院,美 私立学校。accompany v.陪同,陪伴,与 同时发生,为 伴奏。addition n.增加 加。authority n.权力,权威,威信,官方。administration n.管理,行政部...


中考新增词汇 2016 2017 aaccurate adj.精确的。actually adv.实际地 现实地。adultn.adj.成年人。amusement n.娱乐 消遣 娱乐活动。applyv.申请,应用。attention n.注意,关心。attitude n.态度。audience n....