
发布 2021-02-05 00:14:28 阅读 4097


第一组 made, “除了“, put

1、和 made 相关的短语。

be made in +某地:表示产自**。

the watch was made in china.

be made of +某种材料:表示用某种材料制成(通常看的出来原材料)

the tea pot is made of silver.

be made from +某些材料:表示用某些材料制成(通常看丌出来原材料)

wine is made from grapes.

be made by +某人:表示由某人制成。

this cake was made by my sister.



例句:i invited everyone except john.(我没有邀请 john)


例句:besides his right arm, he broke his two legs.(除了他的右胳膊,他还弄断了双腿)

except for:除了,常放于句首且除去一些微丌足道的东西。

例句:except for this, everything is ready.(除此之外,一切已准备好)

apart from:(=except for 戒 besides)

例句:apart from/except for the nose, he is quite good-looking.

3、和 put 相关的短语。

put up: 提起,举起;为……提供食宿。

例句: the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field. (搭起)

you can stay here tonight. we can put you up in the spare room.(为某人安排食。

宿)put on:穿上,戴上。

例句:put on your coat and let’s go!

put out: 扑灭;出版,生产。

例句:father put out the fire and crept into his tent.

put down: 记下,抄下。

例句:put down all the sentences that are on the blackboard.

put off: 推迟。

例句:i h**e put off my trip to london until next week.

put away: 放好,收好。

例句:she told her children to put their toys away and go to bed.

put up with (+sb): 忍受某人。

例句:i can’t put up with him any longer.

第二组 look, call, pick

1 、和和 look 相关的常考短语。

look for: 寻找(强调过程)

例句:i’m looking for my pen, but i don’t find it.

look after: 照顾(=take care of)

例句:would you please look after my pet when i’m in london?

look out: 当心,注意(=be careful)

例句:look out! a bus is coming!

look up: 1) 查阅 2) 拜访(某人)

例句:i shall look up this word in the dictionary.

don’t forget to look me up when you return.

look forward to: 期待(+doing sth)

例句:i’m looking forward to seeing you this summer holiday.

look back: 回顾,回头看。

例句:they like to look back on those unforgettable years in the army.

2 、和和 call 相关的常考短语。

call out:大声喊。

例句:he called out to me but i didn’t hear him.

call at : 拜访(后面往往加地点)

例句:does the ship call at liverpool?

call on: 拜访(后面往往加人)

例句:i called on frank yesterday.

call sb up: 打**;召集。

例句:she will call you up tomorrow.

call off: 取消(=cancel)

例句:it began to rain so we called off the match.

call for: 需求,要求。

例句:your plan will call for a lot of money.

3 、和和 pick 相关的短语。

pick up: 1) 捡起 2)接(某人) 3)学习。

例句:he picked up a long pipe which was covered with coins.(捡起)

i’ll pick you up in the car this evening.(接)

i picked up a lot of english when i was in england.(学习)

pick out: 挑出; 分辨出。

例句:i can’t pick out the card i like best.

第三组 knock, “话费”, give

1 、和和 knock 相关的短语。

knock at: 敲,击。

例句:a beggar knocked at my door.

knock off: 1)碰掉 2)下班 3)打折。

例句:i knocked the vase off the table and broke it. (碰掉)

he always knocks off at six o’clock. (下班)

the shop assistant knocked 10% off the bill.(打折)

knock over: 撞倒。

例句:a car knocked the boy over.

2、 表示“ 花费” 的动词短语。


sb spend + 时间/钱 + on sth

sb spend + 时间/钱 + in) doing sth

例句:i spent two days on this book.= i spent two days (in) reading this book.

须注意:spend 后面既可是花费多少时间,也可以是多少金钱;

spend 通常是人作主语 。


it takes/took sb +时间 + to do sth

例句:it took me two days to read this book.

须注意:take 后面通常只跟花费多少时间;

take 通常是 it 做形式主语。


sth costs/cost sb +钱。

例句:this dress costs me twenty dollars.

须注意:cost 后面通常只跟花费多少钱;

cost 通常是物作主语。


sb pay/paid +钱 +for sth

例句:i paid twenty dollars for that dress.

须注意:pay 表示支付的意思,通常人做主语。

3 、和和 give 相关的短语。

give up: 放弃。

例句:i h**e given up smoking.

give in: 投降; 上交。

例句:he can’t continue fighting. he will soon give in. (投降)

give in your exercise books to me. (上交)

give away: 分送;泄露。

例句:i g**e away my sweets to the little boy.

give back: 送还。

例句:he returned with my bag and g**e it back to me.

第四组 use, “到达”, turn

1 、 use 用法小结。

1)主语 +used to do sth: 过去常常做某事。

例句:i used to work sixteen hours a day.

2)主语 +be/get used to doing sth: 习惯于做某事。

例句:she got used to getting up at 7 o’clock.

3)主语 +be used to do sth. (主语 +be used for doing sth): 被用于做某事。

例句:knives are used to cut things. =knives are used for cutting things.

4)主语 +be used as: 被用作。

例句: the radio is used as a tool in my english study.


use up: 用尽,用完。

make use of: 利用。

2 、 表示“ 到达” 的动词短语。

1)arrive :到达( 不及物动词,可单独使用;若接某地点,中间必须加上介词 at 或或 in ,但地点副词除外)

arrive at + 小地点。

例句:i will arrive at the airport tomorrow morning.

arrive in + 大地点。

例句:she arrived in hong kong yesterday.

2)reach:到达( 及物动词,后面必须直接接地点,做宾语)

例句:he didn’t stop until he reached the door.


get dressed 穿好衣服get on very well with 与。相处很好 进展顺利。get on off a bus.get on with sb.上 下公共汽车get out of into a car lift 上 下小汽车 电梯。get ready for.lost warm....


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