
发布 2021-02-04 18:24:28 阅读 3134


肢体语言body language

旅行社a tr**el agency

一个穿戴得体的女士 a well-dressed lady

匆匆一看;看一眼glance at…

朝某人走过去walk over to someone

愉快地跟某人打招呼 greet someone cheerfully

高级雇员a senior employee

怎么了?/发生了什么事? what’s up ?

what’s wrong?

what’s the matter ?

喜欢debbie 而不喜欢我 prefer debbie to me

与人们沟通得方式the way you communicate others

得到与某人说话的机会 get a chance to speak to…

你的姿态与你脸上的表情 your gesture and the expression on your face

给某人一个好印象give sb. a good impression

make a good impression on sb.

手托着头rest one’s head on one’s hand

抬头;向上看look up; hold one’s head ( up)

眼睛与…保持接触make eye contact with …

改进他的肢体语言improve his body language

毫不犹疑without hesitation

提醒我别忘了明天是她的生日remind me that tomorrow is her birthday

决定做sthdecide to do sth.

关心,护理care for sth.

一家新发廊a new hairdressing salon

一款新发型a new hairstyle

因sth.而兴奋be excited by sth.

发誓做sthpromise to do sth.

让sb.感到make sb. feel + a.

幸福到极点,心满意足 on top of the world

感到很幸福feel on top of the world

适合sbbe right /suitable for sb.

suit sb.


get (some/ free) advice from sb.

哪一种what’s kind/ sort of …?

对sb./sth.最好be best for sb./ sth.

使sb./sth.看起来… make sb./ sth. look +形。

短/长发型short / long hairstyle

的棱角the angle of …

依赖,依靠, 取决于 depend on …

rely on …

be dependent on …

be decided by …

照顾take care of…

look after…

保持sb./sth.健康 keep sb./sth. healthy

首先first of all

拥有良好的饮食h**e a good diet

足够的plenty of + 可复/ 不可数。

对于sb.来说做sth.容易 it’s easy for sb. to do sth.

sb.做sth. 是明智的 it’s wise of sb. to do sth.

头发护理hair care

够柔软soft enough

损害头发damage one’s hair

在做sth. 之前before doing sth.

在做sth. 之后after doing sth.

仔细地梳头发brush one’s hair carefully

把头发弄干dry one’s hair

把sth.设置在低温 set a low temperture

至少—至多at least – at most

使头发变得干燥/干枯 dry out one’s hair

发生故障break down

修理sthrepair sth.

返回工作get back to work

在夏令营at a summer camp

自信be confident

支付sth. pay for sth.

通过做sthby doing sth.

说服sb.做sthpersuade sb. to do sth.

堵车,陷入交通堵塞 get caught in a traffic jam

购买sthshop for sth. =buy sth.

在火车上给sb.让座 offer sb. a seat on the train

offer a seat to sb. on the train

把sth.掉了-捡起sth. drop sth. -pick up sth.

嘲笑sblaugh at. sb.

无所事事h**e nothing to do

对sth.)表现出兴趣 show interest ( in sth.)

改变话题/主题change the subject

鼓励sb.做sthencourage sb. to do sth.

顺便问一句by the way

在电视上看到sth. see sth. on tv

拥有)一家家具店 ( h**e/own )a furniture shop

登广告)在报纸上 (put an ad )in the news*****

书上/报纸上)写着… it said, “

it said ( that )…

一把塑料椅a plastic chair

承诺/保证做sth. promise to do sth.

剪发h**e a haircut

cut one’s hair

在connie 店at connie’s

做一个(关于sth.的)调查do a survey ( about sth. )

介意 (sb.)做sth. mind ( sb.) doing sth.

平均on **erage


make / h**e / miss an appointment (with sb.)

通知sbnotify sb.

在(上班/上学)的路上 on the way to (work/school)

伤了脚hurt one’s foot

去看专家/牙医 go to see a specialist / dentist

之后某一天(随后) at a later date

在sth.上摔下来 fall off sth. (fall-fell-fallen)

写一份道歉信write a note of regret

守约keep the appointment

出差go on a business (trip)

事情进展顺利things go smoothly.

事情进展不顺利 things don’t go smoothly.


九年级英语词句集锦。1.ask sb for sth向某人要某物,向某人求助 ask for 请求,要求。2.by flashcard通过制作抽认卡。3.watch sb do sth see sb do sth 看见某人做某事 hear sb do sth听见某人做某事。4.watch see s...


九年级英语词句集锦。1.ask sb for sth向某人要某物,向某人求助 ask for 请求,要求。2.by flashcard通过制作抽认卡。3.watch sb do sth see sb do sth 看见某人做某事 hear sb do sth听见某人做某事。4.watch see s...


九上英语短语于京田。m1u1 than 多于。wonders 自然景观。wonders 人造景观。ancient wonder 一处古老的景观。modern wonder 一处现代的景观 in the discussion 加入讨论。with sb 同意某人的观点。six sides 有六个方面。h...