HeyTalk常用英语短语大全 同意与不同意

发布 2021-02-04 18:07:28 阅读 7897

do you agree? 你同意吗?

are you for or against his idea? 你是赞成还是反对他的主意?

are we all behind this? 大家都同意吗?

what do you think of my proposal? 你觉得我的建议怎么样?

don't you think so? 你不这么认为吗?

how dose that sound? 那样行吗?

does it work for you? 你没问题吧?/你同意吗?

give me a definite answer. 给我一个明确的答复。

i want a definite answer. 我要一个明确的答复。

i need a definite answer. 我需要一个明确的答复。

is it “yes” or “no”? 是”还是“不是”?

yes or no? 是”还是“不是”?

take it or le**e it. 接受还是拒绝。

now do we h**e a deal or not? 我们达成一致了吗?

let me hear your candid opinion. 让我听听你的直言。

please tell me what you honestly think. 请告诉我你真是想法。

it doesn't answer my question. 这可不算答复。

that's no answer. 这不是答复。

that's not what i want to know. 这不是我要知道的事情。

you didn't answer my question. 你没有回答我的问题。

yes. 是的。

certainly! 当然!

exactly! 完全正确!

of course. 当然。

right. 对。

you are right. 你是对的。

correct. 正确。

that's correct. 太正确了。

good. 很好。

great. 很棒。

absolutely! 一点儿没错!

excellent. 好极了。

fantastic! 好极了!

definitely! 当然! 肯定地!

bingo! 对了!

ditto! 我也是!

me too. 我也是。

great idea. 好主意。

good thinking. 好想法。

good strategy. 好策略。

not bad. 还行/不坏。

no problem here. 没问题 。

no objection. 没有异议。

no doubt. 毫无疑问/确实是这样。

sounds good. 听起来很好。

sounds great. 听起来不错。

sounds awesome. 听起来真棒 。

sounds alright to me. 听起来挺好。

sounds like a good idea to me. 听起来像是一个好主意。

sounds like fun. 好像挺有意思。

so be it. 就这样吧/就这么决定了。

fair enough. 当然行。

in a word, yes. 一句话,是。

count me in. 算我一个。

that's great. 太棒了。

that's right. 太对了。

that's fair. 当然可以。

that's a good idea. 是个好主意。

that's the spirit! 这就对了!

that's fine with me. 那样很好。

i agree. 我同意。

i agree with you. 我同意你。

i totally agree with you. 我完全同意你。

i concur. 我同意。

i'm with you. 我同意你。

i'm for it. 我同意。

i'll drink to that. 我完全赞同。

i'll say! 我也要这么说!

i'll take it. 我接受。

i agree with you partially. 我同意部分。

i agree entirely. 我完全同意。

i absolutely agree! 我绝对支持!

i think so, too. 我也这样认为。

i'll back you up! 我支持你!

i'm behind you 100%. 我100%的支持你。

i'm with you 100%. 我100%的支持你。

i'm 100% with you on that one. 在那方面我100%的支持你。

your answer is to the point. 你说到点子上了。

your opinion is reasonable. 你的意见有道理。

you just said a mouthful! 你说的很对!

you've really hit the nail on the head. 你真说到点子上了。

you can say that again. 我完全同意你所说的。

you did the right thing. 你做的对。

you got that right. 你是对的。

you are absolutely right. 你说的太对了。

you are partially correct. 你部分是对的。

that's not entirely true. 也不全是。

now you're talking! 正合我意!

what you say is partly right. 你说的有一部分是对的。

in a sense he's right. 在某种意义上,他是对的。

i don't h**e any objection to it. 我不反对。

you bet. 你说的没错。

i bet. 应该是吧。

we are all for it. 我们都同意。

why not? 为什么不?/好的。

hear, hear! 说的对,说的好。

i'm afraid so. 恐怕就是这样。

my answer's “yes”. 我的答案是“同意”。

it makes sence. 有道理。

do as you said. 就按你说的做。

negative. 否定。

objection! 我**!

absolutely not. 绝对不行。

i'm don't agree. 我不同意。

i'm don't agree with you. 我不同意你。

i don't really agree with you. 我不太赞同你。

we don't agree on this point. 在这点上我们意见分歧。

i can't agree. 我不能同意。

i can't agree with you. 我不能同意你。

i'm not sure i can agree. 我恐怕不能同意。

i disagree. 我不同意。

i disagree with you on this point. 在这点上我不同意你。

i'm afraid disagree with you. 我恐怕不同意你。

i'm afraid i can't approve of your point. 我恐怕不能认同你的观点。

i'm afraid i can't quite agree with you about that. 关于这点,恐怕我不能完全赞成。

i'm afraid we can't. 恐怕我们不能。

i'm afraid i wouldn't say that. 恐怕我不敢苟同。

i am against this proposal. 我反对这个提案。

are you crazy? 你疯了吗?

you must be kidding. 你一定是在开玩笑。

what are you talking about? 你在说什么?

i don't think so. 我不这么认为。

i don't think that's true. 我认为那不正确。

i don't think that's a good idea. 我认为那不是一个好主意。

i think you'll find that's not correct. 您好像说错了。

i don't see why. 我看不出有什么理由。

i wouldn't say that. 我不赞同。

not really. 不是那样。

not exactly. 不完全同意。

no, sir. 不,先生。

no way. 不行。

no good. 那可不好。

bad idea. 馊主意。

wrong. 不对。

you're wrong. 你错了。

you got it all wrong. 你全搞错了。

not a good idea. 不是好主意。

that's a bad idea. 那真是坏主意。

that's a terrible idea. 那真是馊主意。

that's not a good idea. 那可不是好主意。

that's not right. 那是不对的。

that's wrong. 那是错误的。

that's incorrect. 那是不正确的。

that's ridiculous. 荒谬。

that won't do. 那样不行。

let's not. 算了吧。

that's absolute nonsense. 那完全是胡说八道。

nonsense! 胡说!

that's out of the question. 那根本不可能。

that's impossible. 那怎么可能。

impossible. 不可能。

objection! 反对!

i object! 我反对!

contrary to what you think. 和你想的恰恰相反。

that looks/sounds ridiculous. 那看/听起来很荒谬。


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