
发布 2021-02-03 18:08:28 阅读 6406

in 1999 , i was born, unluckily, i got the very remembers my smiling face with tears on it. she toldme that when i grow up, i should be a strong-minded andoptimistic girl. during the ten years, i h**e beenexperiencing a lot with my country…

in xx, china no. 5 spaceship was successfully launched发射。

into space! in yangliwei’s hometown, we took a can see on my t-shirt, it is written ‘what is love?’at that time, i didn’t quite understand the sentence, butwith the time passing, i begin to know its meaning.

inxx,iwenttotheprimaryschool,sincethenistarteda very important step in my life. in xx, i worked hard andgotmyfirstcertificate—cambridgeenglishlevel1withthescore of 14 shields.

following that it was xx, there were a great number ofthings in this year. first, the olympic games weresuccessfully held in our country. second, i got the firstprize in hainxin cup competition.

but there was a badthing--the earthquake in wenchuan, in the disaster, we feltour country’s love.

now it is xx, i’m growing up with country, little bylittleiunderstandwhatloveis—loveistohelpotherpeopleand help myself!


xx年我国第一艘载人飞船“神舟”五号发射成功!爸爸妈妈带着我来到航天英雄杨立伟的故乡——绥中拍了**。我的t恤上写着what is love ?






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