
发布 2020-12-18 10:58:28 阅读 4949

i. 字母与单词(letters and words)

a)写出所给字母的左右邻居: 6%

1. _i__


b)完成单词: 6%

1 .p_ rk2. bu_ _in6. r_ _d


) swim b. sleepc. singd. bus

) milk b. juicec. ice-creamd. water

) bird b. dogc. rabbitd. cat

) van b. carc. roadd. bus

ii. 句子(sentences)


)1.__the floor, maya. sleep b. sweep)

) to eat pizzaa. live b. like)

)3. we __shanghai clean every day. (a. keep b. sweep)

)4. get __the busa. offb. of)

)5. i go to pudong __cara. byb. in)

)6. may i __some milka. has b. h**e)

)7.__do you go to beijinga. where b. how)

) i h**e a pizzaa. tob. too)


) do you like to do? i like to write english.

ab. )2. look at the building. it’s tall.

ab. ) do you go to shanghai? we go to shanghai by taxi.

ab. )4. i’m hungry. h**e some noodles.

ab. )5. it likes to eat fish. what is it?

ab. c)情景判断(用√ 、表示):5 %

)1. 请may 上车,你说:get in the car, may.

)2. 告诉别人你乘飞机去北京,你说:i go to beijing by plane.

)3. 告诉别人你住在上海,它很美丽。你说:

i love shanghai. it’s very beautiful.

)4. 你饿了,想吃蛋糕,你说:i like to eat some biscuits.

)5. 邀请别人一起和你扫地,你说:come and sweep the floor with me.


1. a. the boys like to dance.

b. the boys like to swim.

a. clean the park, please.

b. clean the classroom, please.

3. a. may i h**e two kites?

b. may i h**e two cats?

a. get in the van.

b. get in the car.

5. a. h**e a hot dog, please.

b. h**e a pizza , please.

iii.. 阅读理解(reading comprehension) 5%


i h**e a big family. there are five people in my family, my father, my mother, my brother, my sister and i. my father and my mother are fat.

my father is thirty. my mother is thirty, too. i'm ten.

my brother is eight. my sister is five. they love me.

i love them, too.

iv.. 智力测试(intelligence test) 6%


1. how many legs does a spider h**e? (蜘蛛有几条腿?)

a) four. b) six. c) eight. d) ten.

2. cross out the letters that appear twice in the grid. reading from top to bottom, the letters that are left spell a girl's name.

write the girl's name on the answer sheet.(划去在方格**现过2次的字母。然后从上往下读,剩下的字母将拼出一个女孩的名字。


3. follow the lines to connect the fishermen to their catch. which fisherman has caught the biggest fish?



2013 2014学年度第一学期。二年级数学竞赛试题。1 算一算 每题2分,共10分 二 填空题。每题4分,共48分 8 8 8 8改写成乘法算式是或表示 个 相加,和是 2 请你根据口诀 四六二十四 在下面的括号里写出两个乘法算式是写出两个除法算式。3 找规律填数。4 9连续加6次后,结果是 5 ...


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