
发布 2020-11-25 03:54:28 阅读 7275

a三年级用英语上册练习题 (1单元) 献花培训。


__ pat

a what is your name? b what is this ? c what is it ?

)2 __what’s this ?

a i’m tobyb it’s my bed . c ok.

)3 __goodbye

a goodmoring. b bye—byec goodnight.

__ hello

a hi b bye—bye . c ok

)5 __how are you ?

a i am fineb i’m ok. c my apple.

)6 __goodmoring.

a goodbye. b bye---byec goodmoring.

二:选择序号填空 (做题时看清是一个横线还是二个横线。 )


a good night! b good afternoon! c goodmoring!


a what’s this ? b what is your name ? c i’m bob.


a hello, my name is…. b hello,it’s…..c hello,this is…..

)4 放学回家时,和老师说。

a hello! b hi! c goodbye!

)5 对方有礼貌地问你:how are you? 你回答:——

a nice to meet you, too. b i’m fine .thank you.

)6 what___your name?

a am b is c are d ‘s

)7 myrita.

a name are b name is c name am

)8your name ?

a my ; name b what’s c what ; is


a my name b i’m c i ; am

)10your name ?

a what is b i’m c what’s

)11 i __tom. a is b are c am

三年级用英语上册练习题 (2单元) 献花培训。


) 1 __how many snails ?

a redb planesc eight

) 2 __what is your phone number ?

a you phone number is 4604011. b my phone number is 4604011.

_ apples

a what is in the box ? b what’s your name ?

) 4 __what is the number ?

a yellow b open the door. c it’s three-zero-nine-four.

_ my new schoolbag.

a what’s your name ? b what’s this ?

) 6 __what’s this ?

a it is my new egg. b i’m toby

_ it’s one-eight-five-six-seven-two.

a what colour is this? b what is it ? c what’s your phone number?

二:选择序号填空 (做题时看清是一个横线还是二个横线。 )

) 1 what is __the box ?

a at b inc of

) 2 __many cats ?

a howb what c how

) 3 放学回家和同学分别时说。

a good morning. b good night . c goodbye.

) 4 老师奖励你奖品后,你应该有礼貌地说。

a nice to meet you ,too. b thank you .

) 5 here __your prize

a areb amc is

) 6 how many

a flagb snailc bags

) 7 howyou ? ifine.

a are ;am b is ; am c is ; am

) 8 how many snails

a whiteb eight . c three.

) 9 here you

a isb am c are

) 10 what is three and five

a eightb eight . c two.

) 11 what’s nine minus four

a it’s five. b fivec four.

三年级用英语上册练习题 (3单元) 献花培训。


) 1 __what colour is it ?

a it is blue and red . b it’s brown and purple .

_ black

a what colour is it? b what colour is that ?

) 3 __what colour do you like ?

a i like green and white. b i like number .

二:选择序号填空 (做题时看清是一个横线还是二个横线。 )

( )1 whatis it ?

a colour b name c colour

( )2 what colourthat ?

a isb arec is

( )3 i __pink and yellow.

a like b likesc like

) 4 递给别人东西时说。

a good night! b here you are ! c how are you ?

) 5 晚上睡觉前和妈妈说什么。

a good morning! b goodbyec good night !


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