
发布 2020-11-09 12:08:28 阅读 8510



) a lamp. is.( monday. the bedroom.( my book.

) want to play badminton.(

、听录音,判断句子正(radic;)误(×)10分)( don’t want to play badminton now.( teddy bear is hard.

) slippers are below the bed.( is fun!

) draw a picture for my story.笔试部分(共六大题,计60分)

、连线组成单词。(10分)car ping be tele homepong ds phone work side

、看图,选择适当的词填空。(10分)put on play fly read brusha book kites

your pyjamas checkers teeth


) bed is the tv. above from c. below( )wash the clothes at

) does her homework the evening.[

) school,i (步行回家). to home home home( )plays her c.

) like play with my

) twenty + two =

) fun to go a ) on my lie

) you want to do? 找朋友。(10分)( is it?( many apples?( play checkers!

) you like to play with toys?( is teddy bear?

bear is on the bed. a computer. 连词成句。(10分)1. is where it2. i to like rope jump

3. is hard my dresser

4. take shower we a

5. the is bed the above picture.

、读对话,判断句子正(t)误(f)。(10分) it’s you like to playping-pong?

bob: no,thanks!i want to play ok,let’s play badminton in the great!

) is saturday.

) likes to play ping-pong.

) doesn’t want to play badminton.( the morning,bob and tom play badmintontogether.

) wants to play ping-pong.



润智学堂 让每个学生进步。三年级下第四单元朗读句型。1.what do you like 你喜欢什么?i like pears.i like oranges.i like watermelon.我喜欢梨,我喜欢橘子,我喜欢西瓜。2.what would you like 你想要什么?i d like...


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