小学英语五年级 上册 期末水平测试卷

发布 2020-10-23 10:04:28 阅读 2797

小学英语五年级(上册)期末水平测试卷 2023年1月。

i 听力(30分)




ii 笔试(70分)

一、 英汉互译(10分)

二、 选择填空(15分)

三、 连词成句。(10分)

1. usually, christmas, cards, she, makes, at(.)

2. yang ling, around, nancy, shows, school, the (.

3. mother, stories, home, writes, my, at, (

4. pretty, put, christmas, we, some, on, the, trees, things(.)

5. like, what, su hai, doing, does(?)

四、 翻译句子(10分)

1. –你的网友喜欢踢足球吗? -是的,他喜欢。

- does yourlike playing football? -yes, he

2. –苏海,你妈妈是做什么工作的? -她是一名工人。

does your mother do, su hai? -she’s a

3. 在圣诞节,人们通常把礼物放在圣诞树下面。

peoplethe presents under the tree at christmas.

4. 在二楼有24间教室。

theretwenty-four classrooms on thefloor.

5. 我的动物朋友有四条腿和一条短尾巴。

my animal friendfourand a short tail.



there is an old woman in australia. she doesn’t like children, but she loves cats. she has black cats and white cats.

she has mother cats and baby cats. so the children like to come to her house. they come to play with the cats.

more and more(越来越多)cats come to the old woman’s house. then there are too many cats and the old woman can’t feed(饲养) them. then she has an idea.

“the children love my cats,” she thinks. so she gives the cats to the children. then she is happy.

the children are happy. and the cats are happy, too. because they all h**e a home.

) 1. the old woman likes cats and children very much.

) 2. the children come to the old woman’s house because they like her.

) 3. the old woman can’t feed the cats because there are too many cats.

) 4. the cats h**e their home at last(最后).

) 5. the old woman gives the cats to the children. she isn’t happy.


most people h**e a hobby. a hobby is something people like doing. what hobbies can you enjoy?

mary likes growing flowers. she thinks her garden is beautiful. kate likes ****** clothes.

she sometimes makes nice clothes for her doll. jimmy likes drawing. he draws nice pictures.

tommy likes skating. he often skates in the park. ben is a storyteller.

his friends like his stories. anything can be a hobby. it can be dancing, reading, drawing or sports.

just find something that makes you happy and h**e fun!


2013 2014学年度第二学期。classnamenomark 听力部分 40分 一 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,并在括号里打 本题5分,每题1分,读一遍 二 听录音,判断对 错 本题5分,每小题1分读两遍 三 听录音,把 下面的序号重新排列。本题10分,每小题2分读两遍 abcde正确的序号。2...

苏教版小学语文五年级 上册 期末水平测试卷

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