
发布 2020-09-17 01:45:28 阅读 7857

everyone has his own day, sometimes happy, sometimes sad. my day is sad.

today is my birthday, but i how also not happy, because my father is le**ing, going out to work, i got up early in the morning, after the meal, dad wanted to go, i'm going to get dad, dad said: "at home, don't you send me." sister cry to send father, father had to let us to send to send.

to the station, my father bought a ticket, ready to get on the car, dad said to me: "tingting, you want to listen to your mother at home, when you grow up, you should take good care of the body, take good care of your sister." dad say that finish, and on the car, i watched the father figure, my eyes blurred.

dad, dad, you want to come back soon! i will take good care of myself and my sister!

i recalled the father he once took me to the spring outing, i will not be able to play with my father, can't fly kites together, can't see me to get a good grades together, the smile on your face, i will not be able to hear your words to comfort me, dad, come back soon!

i a person walking in the fields, the day very blue very blue, i seemed to understand, le**e the pain of loved ones. how great love kiss, i stand on the field, loudly say: "dad, i'll wait for you to come back.








我的一天。我的一天。在我那五彩缤纷的童年里,有愉快的一天,有幸运的一天,有伤心的一天,也有快乐的一天。那是暑假的一天。吃过午饭,我们便在家里看电视,可看电视非常无聊,姐姐灵机一动说 我们去钓龙虾吧?我和哥哥兴奋不已,拍手直赞成。接下来,我们就去准备东西,我们找来几根细竹竿,把钓线捆在上面,又找来了三...


清晨,太阳渐渐地探出了脑袋,灿烂的阳光轻轻地洒向大地唤醒了熟睡的我们,作文。我的一天。鸟儿谱写了一曲动听的 我和几个小伙伴趁着这个风和日丽的日子,提着小桶兴高采烈地来到小溪,准备捉鱼。溪水清澈见底,水底大大小小的鹅卵石依稀可辨,翠绿的水草在水中随着波浪而摇摆,这时,两条可爱的小鱼吸引了我的视线。它们...

小学五年级作文 我未来的一天

我未来的一天。我未来的一天清晨。早上,一缕缕阳光射进我的房间,花香迎面扑来,沁人心脾。我伸了个懒腰,慢慢地打着一个长长的哈欠,我的机器人早为我准备好了可口的早餐,想着都要流口水。顺着香气我来到餐厅,坐在按摩椅上,一边享受按摩一边吃着美味的早餐 八成熟的牛排,我爱 油炸了的水果冰淇淋,我爱 巧克力味的...