
发布 2020-09-11 04:08:28 阅读 5391

the summer vacation, we came to the star mountain tourism scenic area, visit the lotus with a history of more than two thousand years. it with "artificial didn't mean to take the tico" known for its magnificent spectacle.

: i want to go the lianhua is visit "view of the sea goddess of mercy", isn't it? view the sea goddess of mercy guanyin statue as high as 40.

88 m, is the foil (bo2) gold statue of the world. high overhead, her good-natured, overlooking (kan3) the long steps under her feet, the love is aspersed to the earth. and i was looking up at the sight of the long stairs, thinking:

this...if we ascend the stairs, that should be able to see that a piece of vacant land of the gods? we walked around the sea goddess of mercy, it whole body is golden, standing on a lotus flower stage, high about three stories tall, give a person the feeling of soaring coast.

then we came to next to the clock bell in line. it's my turn to bell, i hold the wood hard against the clock, big bronze "dong -"a deafening noise. then i thought:

if a man got into the clock in it, let me knock the clock, that this much fun? he doesn't h**e to sit on swing can swing a!

in halfway up the hill, i saw countless lush trees and flowers. to look down the hill, the sea, river, lake, etc. in this state, the people were amazed, and very comfortable, and looked around to long standing, and want to sit down and whisper a little poem magnificent.

lotus in the cool breeze, fresh air, and the beautiful scenery, i regretted le**ing!











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