
发布 2020-09-06 14:04:28 阅读 3978

i h**e many dreams, i want a diamond castle, there was a robot, open a pang shop, has a beautiful garden, when a small explorer...but mom said, "this thinking is my little desire. what are dreams?

my head up a big question mark.

i h**e read the book "with the dream", i know a very good vision starts from the minor matter. if you litter, the environment will become very bad. so green hill, green water and blue sky, beautiful home, is need our protection, can become more beautiful.

i also h**e been to many places, such as thousand island lake, five scenic spot, moganshan, daming mountain, zhuji yaolin wonderland, four major, zhujiajian pointed, the west lake scenic area...each place scenery let me linger. i really like these scenic area, where air is fresh, the scenery pleasant.

my dream is to make every place in hangzhou has the green hill, green water, i hope that life can become more beautiful!






i h e a dream,although i want to pay for it hard,price,but i won t give up my dream is to become a musician,a great musician but i am like a headless ...


我看过一本书,书中的小主人公有一个伟大而深远的梦想 成为一名宇航员。那么,我的梦想又是什么呢?我的梦想是做一名儿童文学作家。我会向秦文君 杨红樱阿姨等作家学习,写一些健康积极的 幽默风趣的文章,让孩子们懂得做人的道理。他们会在文章中找到自己的影子,让他们觉得很亲切,也让他们认识到自己的过错,确立努力...


篇一 我是陈一凯,我的梦想是吃到许多的猪肉。有一天晚上,天上下起了雷雨,我在房间里梦见我在一个餐厅里,看见有非常多的人在卖食物吃,我看见有鸡肉 海鲜,还有最喜欢吃的猪肉等。我跑到卖猪肉的地方留着口水说 我要十斤猪肉。那个卖肉的老板说 好的,不用钱,请坐,马上来,小弟弟。我坐下想 好爽啊!居然不用钱。...