
发布 2020-08-30 19:42:28 阅读 9102



sea memory confidant, tianya zorpia! friendship, is a seven rainbow of colors, summed up as one, is the most sweet rainbow sugar; friendship, is a piece of chocolate and spicy, you half i half, is permeated with sincere feelings; friendship, is each red candy, together, is red with fruity sugar-coated berry.

who is laugh melting together with me? who is with me grow up to go? who is make me happy when i am not happy?

who give me when i fail to encourage? is your, is you, my dear friends.

that day, my mood is "closed", is that you took me by the hand, with mercedes under a clear blue sky, like cotton candy clouds, talk with each story, vent their trouble, not happy like a broken line kite flying, the broken line kite, le**ing the most beautiful friendship.

dribs and drabs, engr**ed in my heart, my friend, you are pregnant with a sincerity to me, i h**e thousands of words to you, without you, without you, the dream of ***** planes will fly to where? hope the small boat to float the yankees to a sea?

supply, a words, suspect a grateful heart, sincere say - thank you, my friend! thank you let my life h**e had the luster, thank you to accompany me together through a dark road, thank you will send the flower of friendship between us more beautiful, more colorful...thank you, my friend!

thank you, my dear friends! thank you, my lovely friends! thank you, my beloved friends!

may our friendship last forever!








i h**e a friend call yang linrui, he is medium height, thin body, a white frame, he likes to wear a jacket shorts. in the summer.

yang lian likes playing basketball, usually a free will go to the playground for a while. each pe lesson, as long as the teacher ask what students want to play basketball, he like already ready, shoot high up, also put up your hands and say: "i, me, me.

" for fear that the teacher couldn't see him. however, he did play well play basketball, is our class basketball team player, especially 3-pointers, especially well.

although he was a valiant soldier on the basketball court, off the court is a crying ghost, a little bit of injustice will red-rimmed and shed tears, to h**e much sorrow. at ordinary times, by whom is inadvertently touch, he would cry. remember once our class basketball training, after training, i suddenly grabbed his ball, is originally wanted to open a joke, didn't think he suddenly cried, hands and feet.

make me very embarrassed.

he has a bad habit, it is to eat eat not to clean. every noon meal at school, the teacher give him h**ing meal, no matter how many, she will always remain a few metres in the dish, also change not to drop.

because both of us as basketball players, often practice together, love will come in time, we gradually become inseparable friends.








四年级作文 我的朋友

四年级作文 我的朋友。四年级2班。我有个朋友,他的个头很瘦小,略显黑黄,滴溜溜的眼睛下有一张爱笑的嘴,一笑就会露出一对俏皮的小兔牙。性格嘛,活泼 热情和豪爽。他,就是夏宁。夏夜是美的,小区的露天平台是热闹的,我看着那窜来窜去的脚踏滑板,如火箭般地从我身边飞驰而过。我的心呀,痒痒的,我真想立马像那些人...

四年级作文 我的朋友

我的朋友。我有个朋友,他的个头很瘦小,略显黑黄,滴溜溜的眼睛下有一张爱笑的嘴,一笑就会露出一对俏皮的小兔牙。性格嘛,活泼 热情和豪爽。他,就是夏宁。夏夜是美的,小区的露天平台是热闹的,我看着那窜来窜去的脚踏滑板,如火箭般地从我身边飞驰而过。我的心呀,痒痒的,我真想立马像那些人一样尽情地享受那种轻盈的...


大家都说 老师是园丁,老师是红烛 可在我心中,老师就像一位朋友,在我困难时挺身而出,在我有疑问时帮我排忧解难,他就是我的朋友 傅老师。瘦瘦的,长得不算太高,但一眼望去他是那么地和蔼可亲,那么地乐于助人。与他一起去韩国的日子对我来说特别珍贵,与他互赠礼物的那段时光对我来说特别难忘,他就是我的傅老师。下...