
发布 2020-08-23 17:58:28 阅读 4668




每题1分,共8分)1. a. work b.

walk c. worker d. take2.

a. swimming b. skating c.

dancing d. ******3. a.

they’re 从a、b和c选项中找出你所听到的英语句子的最佳答语。

每题1分,共7分)1. a. he bought a lot of books.

b. weoften sang, danced, chanted. c.

i had an english class at 700 yesterday.2. a.

you can go there by bus. b. i helped them to tidy things.

usuallygo shopping3. a. no, i don’t.

b. yes, i do. c.

yes, of course.4. are thirty-six yuan.

b. i like the shorts very much. c.

it’s thirty-sixyuan.5. a.

at 16 happy street. b. i come from new york.

c. there aremany new buildings in my community.6.

a. it’s peter’s. b.

i will goby taxi. c. this toy taxi looks nice.

7. a. i’m going to the great i’m going to i’m going swimming.


每题0.5分,共5分)hi, i’m jenny. last weekend i v myuncle and aunt in hangzhou.

i went there b bus. then my cousin, tonyand i t a taxi to the west lake. we rowed the boat on the l .

then we wentto the taiziwan park o foot. it was a hot day. the s was shining in the .

and some bananas. we were very h that day.二、根据图意找出正确的单词或词组,将其字母编号写在括号内。

每题1分,共10分)三、用所给词的适当形式填空。(每题1分,共10分)1. the studentsnot h**e more beautiful.

3. would you likeswim with us4. there___bea




wevisit chinatown in singapore tomorrow. 6. thecity library is the big in the world.

7. he neverwatch 四、根据所给情景填空,一空一词。(每题0.

5分,共10分)1.你想问问kate,她假期做了什么,你这样问what __youduring your holidays她说去三亚这样表达itosanya.2.


在中国待上两周,这样说wearegoingtoinchinatwo weeks.4. kate上课又迟到了,你告诫她不能再这样了be late for class again.

5. tom想知道那条裤子的**,这样问售货员are the trousers6.你想向别人表达在楼前有许多树,你说theremanytreesof the building.

7.你想知道li hong怎样学英语,你这样问她___did you learn english li hong说他们通过做事情学英语,她这样回答你we __


一 英汉互译。1.在早上 6.black clouds 2.今天早上 7.some drinks 3.一场鹦鹉展览 8.fly away 4.放风筝 9.fly high in thesky 5.吃我们的午餐 10.climb thehill 二 按要求写单词。1.go 过去式 6.sun 形容词 ...


part a 一。读一读,连一连。1.与 相邻 2.在 附近 3.在 前面 4.在 中间 5.在 左边。a.in the middle b.in front of c.next to the right e.near 2 选出划线部分读音不同于其他三个的单词。1.a.book b.food c.sc...


六一 儿童节到了,学校要把522个果冻按人数分给。五 六两个年级的学生,已知五年级有84人,六年级有90人。那么。五 六年级各分得多少个果冻?5 果园里苹果树和梨树共有48棵,其中苹果树的棵数是梨树的 梨树有多少棵?6 有两桶油,甲桶油比乙桶油少15千克,现在把乙桶油的倒入甲桶,这时甲桶油比乙桶油多...