2023年六年级英语毕业模拟检测试卷 四

发布 2020-08-15 09:14:28 阅读 2528





二、听对话, 判断你听到的内容与**情景是否相符,相符打。




1. –where is the scienceit’s next to the cinema.

2. we took lots ofat the zoo last weekend.

3. we are going to take anext week.

4. i wentwith my friends last sunday.

5. john is taller andthan his mother.

6. i had aandall day yesterday.





1. people(复数形式2. we(形容词性物主代词。

3. noise(形容词4. dance(现在分词。

5. good (比较级6. twelve(序数词。

7. h**e(第三人称单数形式8. buy(过去式。

9. their(同音词10. younger(反义词。


1. 看电影2. 写电子邮件。

3. 打羽毛球4. 洗衣服。

5. 去野营6. 骑马。

7. keep in touch8. take care

9. on the internet10. look up


) 1. how many __can you see in the picture? a. duck b. sheep c. cat d. monkey

) 2. if you like singing. you can be a .

a. singer b. scientist c.

coach d. pilot

) 3. it isn’t my book. it’sa. she b. her c. her d. hers

) 4. i like playing piano. but i don’t like playingfootball.

a. a, the b. an, the c. the, /d. the, the

) 5. monday is the day of a week. a. one b. first c. two d. second

) 6. there is dictionary and some books on the desk. a. am b. is c. are d. be

) 7. liu ying is good ata. sing b. sings c. singing d. to sing

) 8. -how she often go to school? –she often to school by bus.

a. do, goes b. does, go c. does, goes d. do, go

) 9. there no gym in our school three years ago. but now there a new one.

a. was, is b. was, were c. was, was d. is, are

) 10did you go over your winter holiday? –i went to sanya.

a. what b. where c. when d. how


1. amy isthin) than chen jie.

2. look! the ducksswim) in the river.

3. ih**e) an interesting dream last night.

4. therebe) no tall buildings in our school twenty years ago.

5. it’s timesay) goodbye.


) 1. what does your mother doa. i’m 51 kilograms.

) 2. what are you going to do this weekend? b. i bought a new dictionary.

) 3. what are the monkeys doingc. yes, i did.

) 4. what day is it todayd. we are going to h**e a picnic

) 5. how he**y are youe. no, they can’t.


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