
发布 2020-08-13 08:03:28 阅读 5465


1. (a. bigb. sixc. nice d. miss

2. (a. workb. wall c. whose d. watch

3. (a. sorryb. brother c. some d. does

4. (a. yesterday b. family c. day d. monday

5. (a. hearb. pear c. ear d. near

6. (a. mapb. stamp c. face d. cat

7. (a. threeb. those c. their d. these

8. (a. foodb. foot c. book d. good

9. (a. notb. noc. inkd. ant

10. (a. names b. apples c. faces d. balls


11z/ a. groups b. animals c. photographs d. shapes

12u:/ a. rush b. gun c. moved. umbrella

13ai/ a. light b. minute c. physics d. trip

14e/ a. reason b. steal c. streetd. measure

15id/ a. attacked b. entered c. endedd. discussed


例:spring summer fall




) spring b . season c. summer d. fall

) what b. when c. week d. where

) hot b. cold c. weather d. warm

) eat b. teacher c. music d. english

) elephant b. monkey c. eleven d. tiger


) 1.__is sarah? she is in the car.

a. what b. where c. that d. how

) 2. the elephants oftenwater withtrunks .

a drinking … it's b drinking … their c drink … their d. drinks…their

) are __the insects carefully .

a. watch b. watching c. watches d. watched

) rabbit is __on the grass(草地)。

a. running b .run c. running

) i speak __chen jie, please ?

a. to b. with c. at d. for

) 6. it is august the __today.

a. twenty b. twentyth c. twentieth d. twentieths

) do you like summer besti can swim in the lake.

a. because b. so c. and d. because of

) 8. some __are in the basket. some __are in the woods.

a. tomatos butterflies b. tomatoes butterflies

c. tomatoes butterflys d. tomatoes butterfliy

) 9. i h**e some beansyou?

a. what about b. how are c. why do d. how about

) 10. thank you __telling me about your day .

a. at b. to c. for d./


in are an own is on

1. i h**e myroom now.

2my room i h**eair-conditioner.

3this your room ?

4. theremany booksthe shelf.

5. the trash bin isthe door.

6. there is a mirrorthe bed.


1. it’s saturday today. (对划线部分提问is it today?

2. there is a river in the park. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

in the park?

there3. cook can i meals the (连词成句) .

4. is bedroom this your (连词成句) ?

5. are there somepandas in the mountains? (句中some语法错误,在括号里修改正确)

六. 句型转换:(10分)

1. my sister had breakfast yesterday morning.(改为一般疑问句)

your sisterbreakfast yesterday morning?

2. she is a beautiful girl. (变为感叹句beautiful girl she is!

3. he never swims in winter. (反意疑问句)he never swims in winter

4. you put a leaf on the *****. (改为祈使句a leaf on the *****.

5. we usually go to school by bus. (画线提问do you go to school by bus?


it's fine today. the sun is in the sky. mr green and his family are in the park..

mr and mrs green are standing under the trees and look at their children. ann is flying a kite. the boy in a white shirt and blue trousers is her brother.

he's reading a book . ann's younger brother is too young. he can't walk and run.

he's drinking milk. ann's sister isn't in the park. she is at school.


小学五年级升六年级语文测试卷。一 看拼音写词语。12分 y n s ng d u qi o sh n qy n h n o m xi k j ng m j n qi o h ng k o q n mi n p ng bq n q 二 我会分辨这些字并组词 0.5 6 3分 键疆券健僵卷。三 给多音字...


2 请用关联词语把下面两个句子连起来。你答应和小红一起看电影。你应该按时和她去影院。五 请你给下面顺序错乱的句子标上正确的序号。序号写在括号里 5分 它的外表涂着一层坚硬的强化陶瓷,挺漂亮,像一只电炉。可是,当你把一只特制的铝锅放上去以后,须臾间锅里的水直冒热气。目前,商场里有一种无火烹调器。接上电...


姓名分数。一 选择题。30 1.do you eat dinner?at a.what b.when c.where 2.i play football the weekend.a.in b.at c.on 3.season do you like best?a.when b.what s c.wh...