
发布 2020-07-23 09:59:28 阅读 6405







分词8. story(复数。


1.联合国大厦 a cold

3.信不信 to meet you

5.很久以前 bikes to work

7.全世界 around the lake

9.直行 to the doctor



old owl在树上生活).

玩得高兴)in the park now. let’s go and join them.

4放风筝)is one of my hobbies. do you like it?

5. last sunday, simon and daming购物) in jinfulong supermarket.


) f**ourite isstories in english.


a. write b. wrote c. writing d. writeing

)2. does shewith dolls?

a. likes play b. like playing c. like play d. plays

)3. i h**en’t gotbananas in the fridge(冰箱).

a. a b. some c. much d. any

)4. is there a letteryou?

a. for b. of c. from d. to

)5. he __got a cold last night.

a. has c. had d. is h**ing

)6. there are some stamps from

a. canadian b. canada c. canadians d. canadas

)7. let’spen friends.

a. be b. to be c. being d. are

)8is your mother? she is a doctor.

a. how b. where c. what d. who

)9. it’s 9:00. we can’t __now.

a. are going b. goes c. to go d. go

)10. there’re lots of placesfrom new york to tennessee.

a. visit b. to visit c. visiting d. visited


dear mum and dad,inew yorka very interesting place. there are many people and lots of restaurants. people in new york like to eat ina big park here.

igo there and play football. ia present for you. iyou like it.

you soon.



here are many library规则). they say不要讲话)in the library. please保持安静).

please站成一排)and show your借书卡)to the librarian. don’t把书带出去)the library.”


a man loses a needle(针) in the room. he looks for it on the floor, but it is dark in the room. and he can’t see anything.

he comes out and looks for the needle in the street. a friend comes up.

what are you doing here?” he asks.

i lost a needle, and i am looking for it now,” says the man.

where do you lose it?” he asks.“i lost it in my room.” says the man.

you lose your needle in your room, but you are looking for it in the street! isn’t that funny?”

ah,” says the man, “but it is dark in my room. i can’t find it here. but here in the street it is bright and i can see it.

”) man losesin the room.

a. a pen b. a watch c. a needle d. a noodle

) man can’t find anything in the room because

a. he is blind b. it is dark outside

c. he is ill in bed d. it is dark in the room

)3. his friend thinks

a. the man is clever b. the man can’t find the needle in the street

c. the man is friendly d. the man can’t find the needle in the room

) man thinks

a. he can’t find the needle in the room b. he can’t find the needle in the street

c. his friend is right d. his friend agrees with(同意) him

)5. which sentence is true(真实的)?

a. there is more light in the street than in the room

b. the man finds the needle in the street

c. the man sees his wife in the room

d. the man is very angry with (生气) his friend.




仁怀市2016 2017学年度第一学期期末考试。六年级英语试卷。本试卷分为两个部分,共七个大题,总分100分 第一部分听力 40分 一 请听录音,从a b c中选出你听到的正确答案,并用2b铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。听两遍 共5小题,每小题2分,计10分 5.down attention...


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