
发布 2020-07-23 09:54:28 阅读 7196



daming’s am i card birthday ****** (


)1、ring sing2、cola cent

)3、team read4、mess trumpet

)5、balloon door


)1、look! daming is playing __trumpet.

)2、i bought a book __my brother .

)3、he __an email to my mother two hours ago.

)4、what do you want to drink,tea __milk?

)5、it’s going to __this afternoon .

)6、he’s swimming, _it’s getting too cold.

)7、my father give __a new book for __birthday.

)8、what __sam and daming doing in the classroom?

they are talking .

)9、sam __with his dog now .


)10、we are going to h**e a picnic __saturday.


) you want to visit the summer palace? about cars.

) are you bus.

) the book do.

) there any books on the the library.

) do you go are.

) you got a pen or a can’t.

) i h**e this today is my birthday.

) g**e it to h**e.

) you got a got a pen.

) are you so sister.



you very much.


much is a hot dog? you are.

much is a hamburger?


new chirstmas!



i help can help me?

can help you.


long are tall are you?

old are you?


chen jie: hi,amy

amy: it’s wednesday.

chen jie: oh,let’s go to the zoo this weekend.

amy: good idea

chen jie: let’s see monkeys. they are very smart(聪明的).

amy: ok

chen jie: we can go by bike.

amy: but i h**e no bike. let’s go by bus,ok?

chen jie: ok

amy: what about eight thirty?

chen jie


dear simon,how are you? my brother and i are h**ing our winter holiday. yesterday we went to the museum.

we got there by bus. and then we climbed the mountain. at noon, we walked to the restaurant to h**e lunch.

the food was delicious. it was cheap, too. we also went shopping in the afternoon.

i bought clothes. when i went to bed at 11:00.

i was very tired. we are planning(计划) to learn skating and do many other things during(在……期间) the holiday. we are sure we’ll h**e a very good time.

how about your winter holiday? please write to me soon.

yours sarah

) brother is h**ing his winter holiday.

) go to the museum today.

) went to the restaurant on foot at noon.

) the afternoon they bought some books.

) was very tired, but she was happy yesterday.


p__nd__ fl wb kph n d ll

6、yaoming is in the rocket t m(队).

7、china s (发送)yang liwei into s (太空)in 2003.

8、the kite is f away(飘走).

9、my bag has got four w (轮子).


大明下周的课外活动计划,请用“be going to”表示出来。


例:daming is going to swim on monday .


2012 2013学年第一学期期末考试。时间 90分钟满分120分 友情提示 1 本试卷分为第 i 卷 选择题 和第 ii 卷 非选择题 第 i 卷要求同学们使用答题卡。第 ii 卷要求同学们用蓝 黑色钢笔或圆珠笔直接将答案做在试卷上。2 使用答题卡前,请同学们务必将自己的姓名 考号 考试科目涂写在...


小学六年级英语试卷。听力部分成绩。一 听录音选出你所听到的单词或词组。10分 1.a.walkb.workc.would 2.a.monthb.mouthc.mouse 3.a.parents b.presents c.present 4.a.三年六班 b.六年三班 c.五年三班。5.a.playb...


一 将单词与对应的汉语意思相连。5分 postcard 百万hobby真的。meal 明信片really广场。special 思念sound灯笼。miss 明信片square听起来。million 一餐,一顿饭 lantern爱好。二 把下列单词所缺字母补充完整并写出汉语意思。6分 eter e t...